The Lion King is the tale of Simba, the son of the Lion King Mufasa (Rufus Bonds, Jr.). The birth of the new heir displaces the king's brother Scar (John Vickery), leading the envious Scar to plot the death of Mufasa and Simba. When Mufasa is killed while trying to save Simba, Scar convinces Simba he must go into exile. There, Simba is befriended by a meerkat, Timon (Danny Rutigliano) and a warthog, Pumbaa (Bob Bouchard), and grows to adulthood (adult voice of Matthew Broderick) blissfully free of responsibilities. However, when childhood friend Nala (Moe Daniels) coincidently finds Simba and informs him that Scar is destroying the pride land, Simba must decide whether to keep his distance or to confront his demons...and Scar. Simba, seeking to find answers, finds his father's image in the sky and returns to the Pride lands to recapture his thrown as king. A bloody battle with the lionesses and the hyenas left Simba and Scar head to head in a battle for the truth. Scar reveals that he in fact killed Mufasa and blames the hyenas for everything. In turn, the hyenas change their loyalty towards Scar and kill him. Simba regains Pride Rock and circle of life begins once more.
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