Specific use of word choice immediately helps to nudge readers towards a theme. The first few …show more content…
In other words, it shows that book smarts is well and good, but it still requires common sense in order to truly be helpful. As the fable progressed, we learned that three of the men have scholarship while the other has great sense. The three take pride in their scholarship, and even go as far as calling the fourth unintelligent. Upon discovering the remains of a lion, they decide to "...test the ripeness of (their) scholarship," and resurrect the creature. ("The Lion Makers") However, the fourth Brahman warns against this deed. He uses his sense to figure that the lion will kill the men, if they in fact bring it back to life. Having complete faith in their individual intelligence though, the three men disregard his warnings and proceed anyway. Meanwhile, he decides to "...climb this convenient tree," before they finish their process of reconstructing the bones, flesh, and life of the lion. ("The Lion Makers") The lion is successfully resurrected but, just as the fourth had predicted, almost immediately kills all three of the others. Although the scholarship provided enough knowledge to know they could revive the lion, sense was required to judge that it is unwise to do so. This very sense is what allowed the final man was able to return home safely, and in one