The appalling White Witch and the four Pevense children all ended up in Narnia by some form of a magical advent the White Witch ended up there by a bell that was rung on the other hand the Pevense’s came to Narnia by entering a wardrobe. Now the land of Narnia when it was in its first few ages was a beautiful land flowing with enchanting waters, immense mountains and charming forests. But then all of sudden that all began to deteriorate like a spell a very mysterious spell had fallen on Narnia. Not long after that a plot was unveiled the White Witch had been secretly destroying Narnia for years without anyone noticing. But when they did notice the White Witch might already have …show more content…
been too far along.
The White Witches desire to control Narnia not fully known she was destroying it could only be stopped by one brave lion by the name of Aslan.
But Aslan knew stopping her control would not be easy because the White Witch and Aslan had hated each other from the very beginning of Narnia. The reason being is the fact that Aslan is the creator of Narnia and when Narnia was being created the White Witch accidentally ended up in Narnia which made Aslan really mad because his intension for the new world was for it to be without sin but with the White Witch there sin would be prevalent everywhere they went in the land of Narnia, it had to be
The tension between Aslan and the White Witch had been growing for years, they just couldn’t keep it contained anymore the epic battle was about to begin. Both sides fought fearless that is until the White Witches side noticed Aslan was joining the fight. So they decided it would be an excellent idea to start retreating anything to get away from the wrath of Aslan the White Witch on the other hand didn’t move an inch it was like she had turned to stone when she had first glanced at Aslan charging toward her with his huge muscular frame. He was charging so fast that when the Witch finally gained her senses back it was too late as Aslan barreled on top of the White Witch sending her to an immediate death. Then Aslan stood up from his prey and said, “It is finished.”
The best part of all this was when the White Witch died because it illustrates how evil though it may seem like it sometimes can never win. The worst part of this book was when Aslan dies at the hands of the White Witch because it shows that anything can turn into a good thing. This book best illustrates how even when thing seem really bad it can be used for the better meant of everyone around. But what happened to the Pevense’s find out by reading the novel by C.S. Lewis called the lion, the Witch, and the wardrobe.