Before I saw this so called rating list I felt good about my self. I knew I was short but that was ok because I like that about my self. I thought of as a plus because no matter what boy I like I wouldn't have to worry about them being shorter than me. When I read the list I saw that they put "oil spill" next to my name. When I saw it I was shocked I never thought of myself as being that dark. There were plenty of other people darker than me walking around. "Why did they pick me to single out?" That's what I kept thinking to myself. After I looked the list over I just laugh it of and called the boys stupid. I didn't want to show anyone I was hurt and offended by the comment by my name. Deep down I knew it hurt me every time I looked in the mirror I saw a different person than the one I had seen so many times before.
Once the girls saw the rating list, they were mad about what was said about them. They let their anger show unlike me. They didn't get the results they wanted because the boy's feelings didn't get hurt as easily as the girls did. So after the list was made the boys looked it over but just laugh about it. They didn't really make a big uproar to see it; they just waited until it came to them. Most of them didn't even care what was said about them.
Sometimes people talk about others to make themselves look better. So I became comfortable about how I looked and how I was different. Besides some of the people that were calling me dark wasn't to light their selves. You