
The Lobster Vs. Number Fifteen: They Never Stop Growing

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The Lobster is a delicacy in many cultures, and it is also a pretty strange looking creature. It's got some strange behavior, too, so we're here to fill you in. Enjoy reading the first half of the list.

Number Fifteen: They Never Stop Growing. This is the theory, anyway. Most are now caught before they have the chance to get to a very old age, and the larger the lobster, the more likely it is to be caught. But some research suggests that a lobster won't stop growing until it dies.

Number Fourteen: They Live for a Very Long Time. That is, until we catch 'em. But if left undisturbed in the wild, lobsters can live up to 100 years.

Number Thirteen: They are Cannibals. Yup. Lobsters will eat each other. Apparently it does not take much for this

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