Societal prejudice towards Negroes has b een a widespread fact in American history. The class of slaves has been superficially judged and dis criminated against.
'It is neither extraordinary to beat a slave, nor incompatible with Christianity to wield a whip.'
Even those who considered themselves lenient slaveowners such as Mr Whitechapel, committed horrible acts of injustice.
'Do not,
I repeat, do not let me ever catch you reading
Again. If you do you will be sent away,
Far away to a place where slave boys
Die of hunger, hard work and the whip.'
All slaves have to learn to accept the fact that they are inferior. However, from some pe ople's points of views, slaves are much lower and should be considered as an investment or commodity . 'Cattle need fattening, not slaves.'
They are regarded on a totally different plane of judgement.
'I told my son that we are different from slaves in intelligence and human standing before God.'
Ve rbal irony also emphasizes the pain and suffering on the slaves behalf. By showing a contrast in the meaning of the words used and what they communicate, such as in