The Baptist tradition is the tradition that my walk with Christ began. In the Baptist culture The Lord’s Supper is also known as communion. It is considered one of two ordinances observed by the Baptist Church. While others Christians traditions view communion as a sacrament, …show more content…
There was a reformation lead by Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Wesley, thus causing a separation between the Roman Catholics and Protestants in the early Church of England. The Baptist tradition was one denomination that resulted from the split. Baptist believes that only Christian believers should be baptized and baptism should occur by immersion. The Baptist believed also that those that were not yet “baptized believers (catechumens), should be allowed to hear the word but, not allowed to participate in prayers of the faithful, the kiss of peace, or any of Eucharistic …show more content…
The Baptist movement saw it massive growth in the United States during the Great Awakening in the mid-18th century, followed by an increased interest and effort in foreign missions” The Baptist tradition consists of several branches. In the United States, a separation occurred within the Baptist tradition among “the north /south distinction in 1845 with the formation of the Southern Baptist Convention.” Today, there are still significant inner differences regarding theology, mission, and worship. The Baptist religion is strongly embraced within the black communities. “Most Baptist Churches have an evangelical doctrine, and vary considerably from being conservative to liberal socially and politically.”
The Lord’ Supper can be more of a deliberative celebration when it part of the church’s calendar, and viewed as “a service opportunity for fellowship and inspiration.” The importance of why we should partake of the Lord’s Supper should be explained. In the Bible, Jesus commanded that each time we partake of bread and wine it “For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes” (1Corinthians 11: 26