“Three and one-half million children under the age of nineteen, die each year in this country” (Koocher, 1994, p. 377). This paper is a literature review of many aspects of bereavement and the grieving process. The definition of bereavement will be discussed (Kanel, 1999). This paper will include the phases of bereavement (Burnett et al. 1994). Involved in the bereavement process is grieving. Many models of grieving exist, but this literature review will focus on Kubber-Ross’s stages of death and dying, in order to clarify the grieving process (Kubbler-Ross, 1969).
Much of the literature in dealing with the death of a child is broken down into two different categories. The first category of bereavement involves the parents of the deceased child (Rubin, 1986; Spooren, Henderick, & Jannes, 2000-2001). When a parent is notified of the death of their child, many responses and reactions occur at that time, and also later in the bereavement (Wheeler, 2001). Parents dealing with the death of a child search for the meaning in the death, as well as the meaning of their lives after the death. (Rubin, 1986; Wheeler, 2001). Support is crucial to the parents as they begin to realize life after the death of a child (Brabant, Forsyth, McFarlain, 1995; Koocher, 1994; Spooren et al., 2000-2001; Wheeler, 2001). The second category of bereavement involves the siblings of the deceased child (Robinson & Mahon 1997). Siblings have a unique bond, which no one else can experience. So the death of a sibling is considered to be a unique experience (Robinson & Mahon, 1997; Worden, Davies & McCown, 1999). The literature on sibling bereavement indicates there are factors that are considered to be helpful in the process of bereavement such as self, family, social system, and time (Hogan & DeSanis, 1994). However, there are also things that are considered to hinder the bereavement process for siblings (Hogan,
References: Brabant, S., Forsyth, C., & McFarlain, G. (1995). Life after the death of a child: Initial and long term support from others Burnett, P., Middleton, W., Raphael, B., Dunne, M., Moylan, & Martinek, N. (1994). Concepts of normal bereavement Hogan, N. S., & DeSantis, L. (1994). Things that help and hinder adolescent sibling bereavement Kanel, K. (1999). A Guide to Crisis Intervention. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole. Koocher, G. P. (1994). Preventative intervention following a child’s death. Psychotherapy, 31, 377-382. Kubbler-Ross, E. (1969). On death and dying. New York: Macmillan. McCown, D., & Davies, B. (1995). Patterns of grief in young children following the death of a sibling. Death Studies, 19, 41-53. Robinson, L., & Mahon, M. M. (1997). Sibling bereavement: A concept analysis. Death Studies, 21, 477-499. Rubin, S. S. (1986). Child death and the family: Parents and children confronting loss. Schwab, R. (1997). Parental mourning and children’s behavior. Journal of Counseling and Development, 75, 258-265. Spooren, D. J., Henderick, H., & Jannes, C. (2000-2001). Survey description of stress of parents bereaved from a child killed in a traffic accident. A retrospective study of a victim support group Wheeler, I. (2001). Parental bereavement: The crisis of meaning. Death Studies, 25, 51-66. Worden, J. W., Davies, B., & McCown, D. (1999). Comparing parent loss with sibling loss.