High School Department
The Lost and Lonely People of John Ernst Steinbeck
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for English III
Submitted by
#32 Lorraine Elizabeth Tan
Submitted to
Mr. Richard Rillo
October 2011
Saint Jude Catholic School Tan/2011
High School Department
English III
No man is an island, and in the face of loneliness George and Lennie formed a family. It is portrayed that through their companionship they chose to rise above. As George and Lennie depended on each other they were able to dream. Like brothers George and Lennie had their fair share of disagreements but it is clearly seen that George is devoted to Lennie and Lennie is unswervingly loyal to George.
Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men reveals that oftentimes, dire circumstances are not the only things to crush the human spirit; when loneliness is a person’s constant companion, it is difficult to rise above his lot in life and feel connected to the world around him.
As the story unfolds, the mark of The Great Depression is clearly illustrated and Of Mice And Men depicts that the crushing of the laborers spirits aren’t limited to the presence of dire circumstances. While in present day context the occurrence of these ominous conditions are clearly evident in the lives of people. The nation is constantly struggling to fight overpopulation, food shortage, corruption and even global warming. These difficulties have taken hold of their lives and have hindered them to live. As a person fights his daily battles, his hopes and dreams slowly drains out as well. Meanwhile these problems may temporarily hold a person down, but loneliness can permanently incapacitate him. Lucky for a person who manages to find a way to keep going and to push through.
October 2011
Saint Jude Catholic School Tan/2011
High School Department
English III
Loneliness is far worse than the presence of dire
References: 1Loneliness Retrieved October 2011 from http://www.counselingcenter.illinois.edu/?page_id=188 2Eleanor Rigby Retrieved October 2011 from http://poemhunter.com/song/eleanor-rigby/ 3Cacioppo, J. T., Fowler, J. H. (2008) Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.; New York 4 Shute, N. (2008) Why loneliness is bad for your health. U.S. News and World Report. http://health.usnews.com/articles/health/2008/11/12/why-loneliness-is-bad-for-your-health.html