The Lottery revolves around sacrificing their own village people to get better crops for the following year. Since, they believe that if the villager does not sacrifice anyone they will live in hard times. The villagers made it seem right to them that the children should participate in not only picking up stones but throwing them as well. “For instance, when we consider The Lottery has been describe as a “civic” activity in the same vein as other communities events like dances or clubs, we see how disturbingly our “normal” ritual violence has become” (ArticleMyriad). Even though, The Lottery seemed like it was a family bonding moment but, then it completely contradicts when they went against each other. Therefore, family relationship determined almost everything about the Lottery but, it doesn’t guarantee the love or
The Lottery revolves around sacrificing their own village people to get better crops for the following year. Since, they believe that if the villager does not sacrifice anyone they will live in hard times. The villagers made it seem right to them that the children should participate in not only picking up stones but throwing them as well. “For instance, when we consider The Lottery has been describe as a “civic” activity in the same vein as other communities events like dances or clubs, we see how disturbingly our “normal” ritual violence has become” (ArticleMyriad). Even though, The Lottery seemed like it was a family bonding moment but, then it completely contradicts when they went against each other. Therefore, family relationship determined almost everything about the Lottery but, it doesn’t guarantee the love or