Shirley Jackson’s short story “The Lottery” is not what you think it is. A lottery typically, is something you would want to win. In Jackson’s story, it is quite the opposite. You wouldn’t think anything was wrong at the beginning of the story. It takes place in a small village. Everyone seems to be excited about the lottery, because everyone is present for the lottery. All the characters in the story seem to get along well. Everyone in the town gathers for the lottery. All the children are gathering rocks. This rock collecting didn’t seem to make sense until later. The lottery takes place by having each man or head of household draw a piece of paper out of a black box. The man that draws the black dot then has to have their family members…
1.The dark ending was not a typically lottery but throughout the story methods of foreshadowing was used by the author, Shirley Jackson. Characters throughout the story fear the lottery nervously but the dark suspicions are confirmed when “Tessie Hutchinson shouted to Mr. Summers. "You didn't give him time enough to take any paper he wanted. I saw you. It wasn't fair!"”(Jackson 5). Tessie instead of being excited for winning the lottery is extremely against winning which confirms that the lottery is nothing to be excited about. Jackson begins the story picturing the town as a the children were playing around as if nothing horrible was about to happen.…
The Lottery, a well-known short story written by Shirley Jackson and was published in 1949. Shirley Jackson creates a story filled with lots and lots of foreshadows and symbolisms, these helps building up the tension within the reader mind to question the conclusion of the story. The main focal theme of The Lottery is the danger of blindly following tradition, the author used this theme as a mirror to reflect on the society. The Lottery is worth reading because the message Jackson used to portray the modern day society about its tradition, to question for its purpose and outcomes. Throughout the story the author used a variety of techniques to bring together the whole concept of the story, some of the techniques are foreshadowing, symbolism…
In Shirley Jackson's short story "The Lottery", she uses many literary devices. However the most prevalent are irony and symbolism. Jackson uses irony and symbolism to illustrate the underlying darker theme not evident in the beginning of the short story. The use of irony is in almost every paragraph. Even the title of the story is ironic because it represents something positive but in the end the reader finds the true meaning of the title to be negative. "Part of the horrific effect of Jackson's writing stems from the author's technique of unfolding plot as if it were conventional, even though it is not." (Wagner-Martin). Thus, through irony and symbolism Jackson paints a grim portrait of life and death in this small town.…
In the short story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson many of the beliefs in the story are giving the lottery a bad meaning. In this story The Lottery is a huge event of stoning winners of the lottery. Many of the lottery winners think maybe the drawings are very unfair. Normally the first thing that comes to a persons mind when they think about the lottery is a large sum of money, in the story “The Lottery” it is not the same. This story makes the readers mind wonder and see two aspects of the story, for what they think “The Lottery” is and what it really meant to them. In the story one of the main characters Tessie Hutchinson felt the lottery was unfair and decided to protest. Old Man Warner and also Mr. Summers are pretty much on the same…
Overall Shirley Jackson discusses the movement of the setting, the unusual foreshadowing, and the outermost symbolism in "The Lottery" to give an overall point of view of the story.…
"The Lottery," a short story written by Shirley Jackson, is a tale about an inhumane…
"Jackson's The Lottery" states, "Not only do time and place bear important clues as to the allegorical meaning of The Lottery,' but the very names of the characters are laden with significance. The prominent names-Summers, Adams, Graves, Warner, Delacroix, and (most obviously) Tessie Hutchinson-have much to tell us" (Yarmove 243). Mr. Summers is one of the main characters in "The Lottery", whose name is a symbol in an ironic way. Mr. Summers was the man in charge of conducting the lottery and all of the other civic activities that took place in the town because he was the only one who had the energy and time to do so. His name is satirical because it sounds to be such a happy, cheery, and fun name that reminds people of the good times of the warm summer. However, instead if being a delightful and amusing person he is in charge of the lottery, which consists of the killing of someone every year. Another important character in the story is Mr. Graves. He is the one who carried the box to the square and the people of the town receive their pieces of paper from the black box from him. So in a way Jackson was using his name to symbolize that he is the one in charge of sending the next person to their grave. Not only does Shirley Jackson use the character's names to symbolize things in the story, but she also uses certain actions that the characters do to symbolize problems that will occur. For example, Mrs. Hutchinson was the last to arrive at the square on the day of the lottery. Symbolism is shown when Mrs. Hutchinson says, "Clean forgot what day it was" (Jackson 119). This shows ironic symbolism because Mrs. Hutchinson almost misses the entire lottery event, but then she ends up being the one to draw the black dot and be stoned when she could have easily missed the occasion. It is ironical also because…
“The Lottery” may be somewhat deceiving from it’s title and can lead you in the wrong direction if you are not careful to notice the foreshadowing signs that is typical in Shirley Jackson’s stories. In “The Lottery” she gives two signs that are hidden deep into words that you, the reader, have to break up. She uses actions by her characters, and characters names. She leaves one more clue that is not in the story, but that fills her own life.…
The title, “The Lottery” is ironic for this story because during a lottery a person usually wins a prize. Wining a lottery is normally considered positive. When someone wins a lottery, that person is thrilled and extremely happy. Although in the story wining the lottery is not a positive thing because the person that wins the lottery would face a painful death. The only thing that the winner of the lottery would get is pain and grief, as the villagers would hit her with stones. The description in paragraph one is ironic because paragraph one was describing the morning in the village as peaceful and calm “with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day.” However, the lottery was the total opposite of peaceful and calm. The lottery was frightening…
Lori, Voth. "Analysis of "The Lottery", a short story by Shirley Jackson." Associated Content. 21Nov, 2005. 14 Apr 2008 <>.…
The Lottery is a short story written by Shirley Jackson in 1948, yet still, leaves a mark on any person who gets their hands on it today. The story starts out by setting an enjoyable atmosphere at the beginning of summer. The community gathers and the story almost fulfills the reader’s idea of a perfect town activity. However, the story has a sharp twist at the end that leaves the reader in shock. Jackson wrote the story to leave an impact and whom how quickly human nature can change. Shirley Jackson shows the duality of human nature in the characters of the children, Tessie Hutchinson, and Mr. Summers.…
Jackson's uses tone to confer the bizarreness of this practice. Through the friendly chatting among the townsfolk and the likening of the lottery to a more normal town event Jackson creates the sense of the lottery being a welcomed aspect of the towns festivities. The emotions surrounding the lottery are jovial and it is conducted with much anticipation as to lead the reader to believe the lottery, much like most lotteries, will end in a lucky member of the town being bestowed a gift or prize. Not until the final horrific paragraphs is the macabre truth of the lottery revealed. The stoning of an innocent towns person by friends and family.…
Shirley Jackson’s story, “The Lottery”, takes place on June 27th in a very small village of about only 300 people. This day is what they call the day of the lottery, hence the title. The Lottery is a tradition they have done for years, where the entire village gathers in the square, wait for their name to be called, which they then pick a small piece of paper from a black box, and patiently wait for everyone to pick their piece of paper. Once all the names have been called, everyone is to open their piece of paper, and the one person who has the small dot of lead staring back at them, is the one who is subsequently stoned to death. Since it was written in 1948, we can assume the story also takes place in this time period. With the title being about a lottery, you would assume there is a happy ending. You get a great sense of community, everyone being uplifting and light-hearted about this particular day, not knowing the events to come, and it is taking place on “a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green” (Jackson, 242).…
Murphy, Bernice. “Shirley Jackson”. The Literary Encyclopedia. 31 August 2004. Accessed 20 May 2008.…