The story of “The Things They Carried” took place during the Vietnam War. The author, Tim O’Brien describes each character by the things they carried. All of them carried necessary things which could help them go through the war – some were common, some were different, and depending on the soldier. Lieutenant Cross carried photographs of Martha, the girl with whom he fell in love. Due to an unclear relationship and a great distance, the more Lieutenant Cross thinks about Martha, the more he suffers from his unrequited love. As a teenager I was greedy, and gambling was a short and easy way to get money. I expected to make a lot of money but it turned out that I lost all of my saving, and I suffered from my greed. From “The Things They Carried,”, just like Lieutenant Cross coped with adversity by repressing his addiction of love for Martha, I learned my lesson by repressing my greed, I quit a gambling and being back on track.…