In the novel ‘the lovely bones’ the character Susie displays a physical transition as she progresses through different places in her life, from being alive, to dead, to in-between. This is shown through the use of first person narrative. As Susie has to cope with the new obstacles beginning to form in her life and the new catalyst of loneliness she has to also deal with the physical change from being alive on Earth to being dead in her new form of ‘heaven’. In order for her to move on she has to physically overcome the obstacles in her way to reach her new heaven. This is shown through the use of first person. First person gives the reader or audience a person insight to the pathway that Susie is taking, developing an instant relationship to the character. In many ways it helps the audience to become consumed in Susie’s tragedy of rape and murder. For Susie the rape and murder that she had encountered was also another physical obstacle that she was faced with as it physically lead to the movement of Susie from Earth to her ‘heaven’. ‘I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973’. Through the use of first person the transition Susie under takes, also becomes our movement. First person highlights the physical adventure Susie takes.
The novel ‘The Lovely Bones’ displays the physical journey that Susie takes through the use of flashbacks. As Susie progresses through her movement she