The difference between Susie’s mother and my mother is that Susie’s mother actually left. For eight years, Susie’s mother fled away from her family and, thus, her daughter’s death. But she was brought back by an emergency, and stayed. Susie’s parents finally acknowledged their daughter’s death and her mother found value in being a mother and overlooked all those years of wanting her old life back. Good can be found in the bad. And Susie’s story is only one example among thousands. I was in a very bad situation as well. I was not mourning over a death, like Susie’s family, but I was in a very dangerous and abusive environment that seemed only to downward-spiral. But, things got better, just like they did with the Salmon family. Most people find it difficult to see the good outcomes of a bad situation. I have always tried to see the benefit from something not so pleasant, even so, I struggle. And yet, Susie seems to have no problem in understanding that her death brought so many new relationships together as well as strengthened the existing ones in the inner workings of her family. Out of her dismembered body rose a new invisible and sturdy skeleton linking her loved ones together
The difference between Susie’s mother and my mother is that Susie’s mother actually left. For eight years, Susie’s mother fled away from her family and, thus, her daughter’s death. But she was brought back by an emergency, and stayed. Susie’s parents finally acknowledged their daughter’s death and her mother found value in being a mother and overlooked all those years of wanting her old life back. Good can be found in the bad. And Susie’s story is only one example among thousands. I was in a very bad situation as well. I was not mourning over a death, like Susie’s family, but I was in a very dangerous and abusive environment that seemed only to downward-spiral. But, things got better, just like they did with the Salmon family. Most people find it difficult to see the good outcomes of a bad situation. I have always tried to see the benefit from something not so pleasant, even so, I struggle. And yet, Susie seems to have no problem in understanding that her death brought so many new relationships together as well as strengthened the existing ones in the inner workings of her family. Out of her dismembered body rose a new invisible and sturdy skeleton linking her loved ones together