As one of the major beverages Ltd in Australia, LWB is facing to different level of competitions due to the product attributes. There are three top competitors in Australia as follows: Foster's Group Limited,Lion Nathan Limited, and Coopers Brewery Limited(Company Analysis 2011).In related to international market, LWB also need to compare the local companies in those countries such as Tsingtao Brewery Ltd in China. It is importantto gain the competitiveadvantages to achieve their target in overseas market. The growth rate of earning per share in food, beverage &tobaccoindustry is10.12% in 2011(Table 2).TheFoster and Lion Limited occupy the large proportion …show more content…
According to the legal barriers section, the beer industry has the limitation about licensing regulations. So, it is not easy to enter beer industry legally. It can be concluded that the degree of competition in threat of new entrants is …show more content…
Company Analysis, Focus on Food and Beverages,viewed at July 2011,
LBW 2010, Annual Report 2010, LWB, Australia, 29 September 2010, LBW 2008, Corporate Presentation, LWB, Australia, 22 September 2008,
LBW 2008, Corporate Presentation, LWB, Australia, 22 September 2008, LBW 2008, Little Creatures opens "dining hall" in Fitzroy, LWB, Australia, 03 July 2008, Kirkegaard, M, 2011, ‘What is ‘craft’ beer’, Australia, viewed at 26January 2011, LWB | Little World Beverages | $228 m | Beverages