Throughout, Bruni uses his personal experience as a gay man to showcase how un-logical the idea is that women need to vote for Hilary just because she is also a woman. Bruni used a very logical approach, the logos appeal, that just because he’s gay and if there was a presidential candidate that is gay, the candidate would not automatically get his vote. Bruni states that just because he belongs to the same minority group, gay men, as the hypothetical candidate, that he would only vote for the candidate if his beliefs aligned with those of the candidate’s. His example is logical and easy to agree with, which makes it easier to come to the same conclusion about Hilary Clinton’s situation. Bruni discusses very poignantly that if a candidate was gay, or in Hilary’s case a woman, that it is not the only thing that matters about a presidential candidate. He then made the logical statement that during the 2008 campaign Barrack Obama was consonantly identified by his race, just like how Hilary is being identified by her gender. Bringing up an example that is so closely related to Hilary’s made Bruni’s argument even more well rounded. “I’ll go to the barricades for that imagined gay candidate if he or she…