Write a report that identifies the consequences of the Marine Reserve on people and places. You must include positive/negative and short/long term consequences.
In your report fully explain (giving details and named examples and using geographic terminology and concepts):
• The impacts that the Marine Reserve will have on people
• the impacts of that the Marine Reserve will have on the environment (the environment can include the landscape and the flora (plantlife) and fauna (animal life) of the area and/or the cultural environment).
the impacts that marine reserve will have on people are they can’t fish on the marine reserve area so the fishermen fishing
spot are become limited so they will catch just small amount of fish, but in the future the amount of fish will not decrease and fishermen will catch more fish.
Marine reserve protects biodiversity allows ocean replenish itself develops healthier ecosystem, increase biomass of the healthier fish for about 450 percent, due to marine reserve is heavily populated the fish swim outside the reserve helps fishermen to catch a healthy and heavier fish and due to great amount and different type of species of fish it also helps to boost the economy because of increase of tourism