It is true that Alexa misses her friends, but Alexa’s adventure is quite dangerous, she can find herself in a world of trouble. Alexa befriends Jose who wants to help a dolphin whose searching for it’s baby. “It looks like she’s headed straight for the dolphin facility”(Chapman pg 71).They realize they need to help her,but that’s illegal on both parts for her and Jose, and the dolphin facility to capture a underage wildlife dolphin. “Two years ago that made it illegal for anyone to catch a wild dolphin in these waters” (Chapman, pg71). As you can see her adventure is very dangerous and if she is not careful, it may costs her the rest of her freedom. …show more content…
As previously mentioned, Alexa is helping a dolphin and it’s obvious that her dad is helping her with some of the information, so she could properly perform a DNA test to determine maternity. Because it’s illegal, I don’t think the government would even care if they take the baby dolphin because they didn’t capture the dolphin legally. Alexa’s father faxed papers to describe how to compare the DNA. Alexa may not trust some people but it looks like she trusts her father even though he doesn’t know what she needs the information