Women are seen as emotional and thus are able to express their emotions in an accepted way. I can easily cry and have it shrugged off as no big deal, but the boys I know are told to toughen up. Men on the are restricted to be either unemotional or can only express emotions of strength, like anger. While men are restricted to these emotions, women are allowed to express all emotions. My friends cannot be sad or upset, whereas I can go from happy to angry to sad without major judgement. This double standard is clear in the way we as a society refer to a sensitive man. He can be called a “sissy”, “wimp”, “gay”, and can face bullying as a result of it. Additionally, there is a stigma attached to boys who are close to their parents. It’s deemed unacceptable to be a “momma’s” or “daddy’s” boy whereas girls can identify with those terms. I’ve offended my friend by calling him a daddy’s boy because, to him, it was a sign that he’s weak and dependent on someone else. The language we use to refer to boys that express themselves confines them into a tight mold they cannot break out of. This mold forces these boys to conceal any emotions that are deemed “weak” and creates a double standard between men and …show more content…
By restricting expression to a binary deeming what is masculine and what is feminine, society limits opportunities for men. Things such as art are discouraged for more strength-based activities like sports. This promotes the idea that men “can’t do that” if they want to be seen as men. By having strength represent masculinity, society creates a hierarchy where those deemed weaker are at the bottom while those who are traditionally strong are on the top. The hierarchy further enforces their idea of masculinity. By promoting their idea of what is masculine, they are creating a landscape for bullying to become acceptable. Bullying from this is based in homophobia and sexism and is expressed through slurs and violence. The result of this standard and bullying is often depression in men. This in turn creates a need to act out and to be aggressive in order be accepted by those atop the hierarchy. Eventually, if not helped, it leads to suicide. By promoting masculinity through a hierarchy and throughout society, a cycle of depression and aggression is created. Society needs to recognize the way it promotes masculinity. Instead of accepting a spectrum of gender expression, it promotes traditional ideas of masculinity based in strength and aggression. By doing so, society is thus lowering the self-esteem and opportunities of boys. Instead of following this idea, society needs to promote self-acceptance