The Matrix Dystopia
‘The Matrix’ is a science- fiction film directed by brothers Larry and Andy Wachowski. The film was highly appreciated and well received by both the audience and critics. ‘The Matrix offers a dystopian view of the future by exploring the relationship man has to machine. The film experiments with the use of intertextuality to create an intricate plot where all scenes are of utmost relevance. The Matrix is a film consisting of many sub-plots, however they all eventually lead to the development of the main plot (a step-stair structure), which is that “the chosen one would save and give freedom to the people of the Matrix”. This film gained a lot of attention as it tied in with a social/ cultural issue that arose at the time - the Y2K. This was
the fear that in the year 2000 (a new millennium) all of the computers would malfunction. The Y2K supported the notion that machine will be the death of mankind, which is or can be interpreted as being the foundation or basis idea of the film ‘The Matrix’.