Throughout history, there have been many indigenous tribes. However, one of the most known tribes has been the Mayans. The Mayans were once one of the most dominant indigenous societies of Mesoamerica. They are a remarkable group that sparks many people’s curiosity. They have an interesting culture and mysterious historical background. Their historical background is best characterized as cycles of rise and fall. A lot of achievements were made and city-states rose in prominence, but fell into decline and replaced by others.
Originating in the Yucatan Peninsula and modern-day Guatemala, they covered Belize, parts of Mexican states of Tabasco and Chiapas, and the western part of Honduras and El Salvador. The topography of the areas varied from volcanic mountains, which consisted of the highlands in the South, to a porous limestone shelf, known as the lowlands, in the Central and Northern regions. The lowlands produced crops which were used for their own personal consumption, the principle cultigens being maize. The volcanic highland was the source of obsidian, jade, and other precious metals like the cinnabar and hematite that they used to develop a lively trade.[1]
Culture was a very important aspect of Mayan life. Building on the ideas of earlier civilizations, such as the Olmec, they developed astronomy, calendrical systems, and hieroglyphic writing. Their favorite way to express their pride and religious devotion was to build many temples, pyramids, and building that would all form large cities. The Mayan workers who constructed these dwellings often decorated the walls with many pictures and symbols that would tell anything from a person’s life to an important religious belief or tale. [2]
The important discoveries, predictions, and advancements of the Maya were very important, but the most fascinating aspect of the Maya doesn’t lie in their temples or pyramids or