If not, tension always arises, creating a recipe for conflict and war. In New England, when the English settlers came, tensions emerged among the settling communities as well as the Native American communities. Land was a key factor in the tensions, driven by increasing English settlers and inter-tribal politics; the Pequot people carried the burden of what Philbrick terms as “European-style genocide”. The devastating brutality of the resultant conflict led all sides to seek accommodation and end the conflict. In both books, the themes, ideas and the driving forces that dictate the course of actions are similar, only that they happen at different centuries (Philbrick…
To back this theory up in Ronald Takaki’s book From a Different Mirror For Young People he says on page 33 paragraph three “William Tucker went to a Powhatan village to make a peace treaty. After they had signed the treaty, he persuaded the Indians to drink a toast- then served them poisoned wine, killing an estimated two hundred” this just proves our point showing how low the colonists stopped to get rid of the native Americans. But the real question is who really is the savage, well the definition of a savage is fierce and violent. It might just be our opinion but we think that colonists, in general, showed more violence toward the native Americans than they showed to the colonists. This period in American history is a truly interesting and complex time filled with many tragic moments but with an equal amount of heroic but over all the bad trumps the good and leaves us with a good story and opportunities to see from a different perspective. But more important it leads to a new way of thinking and the beginning of a truly amazing…
When in reality it was the Spaniards who were the true savages for treating Native Americans as an evil creature due to their religious views. It was sad to read about how Indians families were torn apart and many choose not to have kids because of this. I was disgusted by how the Spaniards would cut off native women’s breasts and throw their infants to a pack of dogs. The teachings of Popes prepared the ground for the mass Genocide of Native Americans because they taught genocide because anyone who would go against their God would be killed. There are many major statements in this book. One of which is the statement that history books have incorrect information on the conquest of the Americas by the Spaniards. This is important to understand because it shows how young students are being taught wrong information as well as being taught to think that Native Americans are horrible people when the reality was that they were the victims in the situation. Another important statement addressed in the book was how it explained the mistreatment of Native American by the…
Although Las Casas’s book was short, it was an incredibly painful read that became tiresome. His style of writing was repetitive and dull. The whole book could literally be summed up in one sentence, “The Spanish were cruel bastards that went to the New World demanding gold then killed, enslaved, and exploited the Indians because they thought them inferior.”…
resulted in the death of so many colonists was the Gorilla warfare going on continuously…
1491, which was published in 2005 by Vintage Books, is a subversive study that immensely alters most people’s understanding and knowledge of the Americas before the arrival of the Europeans in 1492. The nonfiction historical novel by Charles C. Mann explains about a new generation of researchers’ conclusions about the history of Native Americans before the arrival of Columbus. Mann uncovered many of the untold facts that have never been taught in traditional school. The primary point Mann is trying to make known is the natives population was larger, and the societies were more cultivated than what most people believe.…
1. On the Mayflower, there were two groups that were comprised. There Pilgrims, which was only 41 of them who were called Separatists. They wanted a new life in America so they could freely practice their religion. The rest of the passengers were called “strangers,” which included merchants, craftsmen, skilled workers and indentured servants. The Pilgrims and the “strangers” were different because the Pilgrims went to America for religious freedom. But the “strangers” were there because the Pilgrims brought them in order to increase the chances of economic success. These groups were similar by all of them being common people.…
The Mayflower was at least 12 years old when it undertook the voyage. The maximum amount of people on the Mayflower was 140. Many of the families built smaller cabins in the Mayflower.…
It was inevitable and unavoidable that violence and dispossession were outcomes of the centuries-long confirmation of Native Americans with European settlers and their American descendants. European settlers were relentless whenever they were introduced to things that were appealing to their eye. If they wanted it, then they would go get it due to the superior mindset of the Europeans.…
If you had to leave America, move to another country you know very little about, and do not know the language, the culture, or anything about the land, how would you feel? Would you have expectations for the natives? In the book Of Beetles & Angels a family from Ethiopia, moved to America and attempted to immerse themselves in the American ways. They are slain with hurtful words and treated badly but are truly lovely to Americas’ people. By critically reading, you will notice many things you might not have if you were just reading it to get the grade. Some things someone may notice are how people from different cultures interact with others, how the central culture treats different cultures, and the stereotypes used to describe Mawi’s life in his book.…
American history is so much more interesting now than it was when I was growing up! I have just finished reading Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, and War by Nathaniel Philbrick. First of all, I was surprised to see a book on this summers New York Times Best Seller List about a subject so long ago. I would have thought the story about the Pilgrims had been told enough times no one would bother writing another book. Philbrick has written an enlightening account of the 17th century events that shaped our country. It was a story that is well written and enjoyable to read.…
These people thought this “new world” would have gold, so they set sail to find it. While sailing, The Sea Venture was destroyed, they lost most of their supplies. When the colonists got there they started searching right away, they left their muskets by the shore while in the water but then they got shot by arrows and they didn’t have their guns to shoot back. When they did get their muskets, they take forever to load and the indians could shoot 10 arrows by the time they reload.They thought they found paradise so they settled. They built jamestown, with huge walls around so the indians couldn’t enter. They were starving so they turned to cannibalism and dug up peoples graves and ate them. They also resorted to eating their horses. Then terrible…
The discovery of North America brought many benefits for the Europeans but very little benefits for the native people of North America. The Columbian Exchange which involved the exchanging of diseases, animals and plants ended up being very helpful for the Europeans that came over to the new world but was not as helpful for the native people. The native people’s population suffered majorly from the introduction of new diseases from the Old World that the Europeans brought over with them.…
Although often viewed as inferior, savage and helpless, many historians are starting to discover the intelligence and wisdom the Indians had and shared with the colonists that came to America so long ago. As the settlers slowly began to create a new world on the already inhabited North America, they were plagued with starvation due to a severe drought in the area. Due to the dry lands and the settlers expectations to “rely on Indians for food and tribute,” (Norton 17) they were disappointed to find that the Indians were not so keen to handing out food and help to the strangers that have just come onto their land and begun to settle in such a time of severe weather and starvation. As time goes on, both the Indians and the Englishmen realize they both have what the other needs; tools from the white men and crops, land and knowledge from the Indians. As a result, the chief of Tsenacomoco, Powhatan, and colonist, Captain John Smith on an ideally peaceful, mutualistic relationship to ensure the survival of both civilizations. This agreement will leave the groups in cahoots for 100 of years leading to some disastrous scenarios and betrayals.…
At the start of the seventeenth century, Native Americans greeted European settlers with much excitement. They regarded settlers as strange, but were interested to learn about the new tools and weapons Europeans brought with them. The native people were more than accommodating to the settlers, but as time passed, Europeans took advantage of their generosity. “Once these newcomers disembarked and began to feel their way across the continent, they forever altered the course and pace of native development.” Native Americans and Europeans faced many conflicts due to their vast differences in language, religion and culture. European settlers’ inability to understand and respect Native Americans lead to many struggles that would eventually erupt into violent warfare.…