What is it about visionary leader- According to Quin et al. (2010), visionary leader is the leader who convergence skills as creating case for change, identifying Idea goals as well as knowledge how to focus on the human side. In the others words, they are capable of accessing and holding a vision of a world/organization not yet manifested and have the knowledge of the creative process, passion to hold that vision through the entire creative process and simultaneous lead others into the manifestation of that vision.
Let consider Steve Jobs-The former Director of the apple company as an example to identify how to be a visionary leader and how did Steve Job achieve success due to his vision skills. First of all, Steve Job made a decisions and this created the changes. In the research of Entrepreneur Staff (n.d.) has found that, when Apple is facing bankruptcy at the end of March 1997, after being up as interim CEO of Apple, Job has signed an investment contract with Microsoft commercial. The contract includes $ 150 million dollars to relief for Apple and Apple will use PowerPC G3 processors in all models at that time to make them faster and have enough weight to compete with Pentium computer. At a result, Under Jobs ' guidance, Apple quickly returned to profitability, and by the end of 1998, boasted sales of $5.9 billion (Entrepreneur Staff n.d.). Obviously, this intelligent decision based on economic condition was saved Apple from the risk of collapse.
Moreover, Job also identifies idea Goals for his company. According Harvey (2001), development Goals which Job writes for apple is brought computer closer to people 's lives through mobile devices such as laptops or phones. The wisdom of this strategy with the invention of the smart phone iPhone, iPod player, MacBook has indeed brought closer to
References: list: ENTREPRENEUR STAFF, n.d. , Steve Jobs: An Extraordinary Career , in Jason Fell (eds), Entrepreneur, viewed 29 August 2013 Harvey, A 2001, A dramaturgical analysis of charismatic leader discourse, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 14 Iss: 3, pp.253 – 265 Quinn, RE, Faerman, SR, Thompson, MP & McGrath, MR 2010, Becoming a master manager: A competing values approach, 5th edn, John Wiley & Sons, NewYork Riley, J 2012, Motivation Theory – Maslow, Human Resource Management Schater & Daniel 2011. PSYCHOLOGY. United States of America: Catherine Woods. p. 325. Words count: 1068