Strategic Marketing is an important marketing discipline that emerges from the integration of the disciplines of strategy and marketing. Given this integration, this work examines and defines the concept of strategic marketing. This work was done by developing two social theory frameworks that gives a comprehensive review and overview of the meaning of strategy on the one hand and the meaning of marketing, on the other. The point of linkage will be identified within these frameworks and then draw on these points of linkages to conceptualize or suggest a new definition that further binds the concepts of strategy and marketing into a cohesive discipline – strategic marketing. In addition, this study goes a step further to develop a theoretical framework that benchmarks the new definition against existing definitions of strategic marketing. This was done by situating the proposed definition within the context of a review of existing definitions. The conceptual review states whether or not the suggested definition supports or challenges the literature concerning the meaning of strategic marketing.
1. Introduction – Strategic Marketing
This is an integral part of the marketing profession that was given birth to by the fusion of two distinct disciplines - strategy and marketing. With this fusion, an attempt to define and explain the concept of strategic marketing is put to fore in this work. An attempt to define this concept will be made through the development of two social theory frameworks that give a comprehensive analysis of the meaning of strategy on one hand, and the meaning of marketing on the other. A link is further made to put forward a new definition that further binds the concepts of strategy and marketing into one discipline – strategic marketing. Additionally, this study goes further to develop a theoretical framework that benchmarks the new definition against existing definitions of strategic marketing.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Marketing
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