In Joan Brumberg book The Body Project he states, “Today, many young girls worry about the contours of their bodies especially shape, size and muscle tone because they believe the body is the ultimate expression of the self.” That is true when people meet you for the first time they don’t see your personality they see your outer appearance. They do not automatically see how much of a good person you are, or how much of a horrible person you are. They see what you allow them to see. "The media markets desire. And by reproducing ideals that are absurdly out of line with what real bodies really do look like...the media perpetuates a market for frustration and disappointment. Its customers will never disappear," writes Paul Hamburg, an assistant professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Truer word have never been spoken. They bait women with these ideal of the “perfect” body, showing woman, the girl you could be. Then they sell you their products which are used to help you get that perfect body. Within these magazines are unhealthy diets that are not always safe for you to use and does not give you the results you wanted. Which causes more frustration for young women. They strive to have these bodies that they can not possess. This can lead to anorexia and bulimia. 47% of girls in 5th-12th grade reported wanting to lose weight because of magazine pictures, Michael Levine of USA Today proposes. …show more content…
The three main types of eating disorders are anorexia, bulimia and binge eating. Eating disorders can cause serious physical and mental problems, which can be even life threatening. Signs of anorexia is dramatic weight loss, obsession with calories, and pretending to eat. Bulimia is when you binge and purge your body. You eat a normal amount of food and then getting rid of it by vomiting or excessive exercising. Signs are using diet pills, throwing up after eating and compulsive exercising. Binge eating is when you eat when you are not hungry and continue eating even if you are full. Signs are eating to the point of discomfort or pain. Feeling depressed over eating. Eating even if you are not hungry and feeling bad about your