a strong central government was intended to favor the elite class and allowed the National…
Consider connotation in this context. At first blush, do you expect the term “iron triangle” to have a positive or negative connotation? Please approach this topic with the aim to both critique and assess validity.…
Is The Electoral College A Fair And Equitable Way To Elect The President Of The United States?…
Proponents for the Electoral College to remain the same argue that the Electoral College contributes to the cohesiveness of the country by requiring a distribution of popular support to be elected president, enhances the status of minority interests, contributes to the political stability of the country by encouraging a two-party system, and maintains a federal system of government and representation. They argue it contributes to the unification of the country because without the Electoral College system, the most populous states would hold all the power in selecting the president and the small states would not matter. With the Electoral College, every state matters in selecting the president. The Electoral College also enhances the status of minority interests. Candidates know that because minorities tend to concentrate in areas with a large number of votes, the minority can make the difference between receiving all the votes from that state, and receiving none of the votes from that state. In continuation, The Electoral College contributes to the political stability of the…
Growing up as kids we were taught the design of our democracy and the constitutional principles. According to the Webster Dictionary a democracy is “ government in which people choose their leaders by voting, and where they are treated equally and have equal rights.” The definition does not capture what the United States feels it's a democracy. The United States is believe in the democratic ideology is, but is best known as a representative republic. In The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, 2001: "Traditionally a republic is distinguished from a true democracy in that the republic operates through a representative assembly chosen by the citizenry, while in a democracy the populace participates directly in governmental affairs. In actual practice,…
The electoral college, the body that chooses the president. The electoral college is the group of people chosen to represent what the citizens want. After the people vote it is up to the electoral college to cast their vote. Their votes are also called electoral votes. The electoral college is a fair way to vote but it should be changed in certain places.…
In conclusion the Electoral College is system of the past as it does not truly reflect what Americans think but what faithless partisan electors think and believe, the Electoral College was built in a time where there wasn't any trust in what was a so-called democracy but it was a way for the government to show their distrust of the people. The Electoral College is a disaster and ultimately should be…
The electoral college in america should be abolished because it has major flaws, supports political inequality, and doesn’t support third party candidates. On top of the flaws that already exist in the electoral college the biggest flaws is what happens when there is a tie. In the case of a tie the decision of who gets to be president is cast in the House of Representatives. This would mean that every states essentially has one vote making “the single representative from Wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, [the same] as the 55 representatives from California, who represent 35 million voters”(Document F). This is important because if you just look at the numbers say Wyoming is the smallest states with 500,00 then any state with more voters that excess amount of voters basically don’t get a vote. In this case 34.5 million voters don’t get a vote. In addition to this example of political inequality, political inequality is seen in the number of electors each state receives. One example of this would be how a candidate could win the electoral vote by winning only 11 states, completely ignoring the Northeast United States(Document A). As a result of candidates only needing 11 states, bigger states have more influence than small states with only 3 votes making them less important. Yet even though 11 states have more influence than the others they really should have more because the electoral vote doesn’t truly represent population. For instance, in Illinois there are about 12 million people and they have 20 electors. Whereas in 12 smaller…
The Constitution remained silent on just how these elite electors would be chosen, saying only that each state legislature would decide how to appoint them. Initially, some state legislators picked the electors themselves, while other states had some form of statewide vote in which the electors themselves would be candidates.…
The Electoral College should not be abolished, because if it is then the election process would collapse. The Electoral College was created because “normal citizens” were not deemed worth of voting because they would not know what or who they were voting for. The system is built in a way that is complicated, but it works, here is how it works: all US states and DC get one electoral vote for each of their US Senators and Representatives. The Representatives’ votes are determined by the decennial census, and the US Senators have 2 per state. There are 538 votes in the Electoral College and all the candidate needs to get to win is 270 votes. This is a system that has been around since the Constitutional Convention, so why is there any reason to change it. The reason that it has been around for so long is because the Electoral College was made so that the two major political parties would have an advantage against the minority or third parties. They did this because the third parties focus too much on one issue and that would be disastrous for our government. But third parties do deserve to still be in the…
The Electoral College has been a topic of discussion ever since the election of 2000. When you rely on this system, there could easily be a different outcome in the electoral vote and the popular vote. With the Electoral College in place, some of Americans’ votes are basically worthless. When the Electoral College was put into place it was a solution to a problem of the 1780’s, now in the 21st century, all Americans should have a voice. Although some people feel the Electoral College is just, the Electoral College is an unfair and outdated way of picking a President; the popular vote is the best way to elect a President in the best interest for the public.…
Every four years, Americans stand in lines, eager to vote for their candidate and hope they win. Sadly, many Americans don’t realize their influence on the election is pretty minimal. The votes go to the state, and whatever candidate has more votes in that state, wins the state. Even if the popular vote is for the opposite candidate that wins, hence 2016’s election. The Electoral College should be abolished, and be replaced in the constitution by the popular vote, which represents each individual's real vote.…
“Voters must have faith in the electoral process for our democracy to succeed,” said Blanche Lincoln. This statement is especially true today due to the lack of information on why we have the electoral college. On November 8th 2017, Donald J. Trump clinched the presidency while not gaining the vote of the majority of the country. This is the second time in the last twenty years, and the fifth time in our history. So why should the electoral college stay in place? The electoral college is an effective system to find out leaders because it makes the elections about the entire country, prevents demagogues from rising to power, and it helps legitimize elections.…
The Electoral College is the current system America uses to elect the president. How this systems works is when you vote, you aren’t really voting, you are telling an elector where you would like your vote to go to. Once everyone has voted, the elector votes for a candidate based on the votes of the people. There are anywhere from three to about 55 electors per state. I believe this system should be replaced with the popular vote method.…
I believe that the biggest problem that faces our country today, is the use of the electoral college system. The electoral college system was originally put in place, because the founding fathers did not believe that the uneducated general public, had the ability to make the choice of president. But know a days, most of the people that vote are educated unto at least a high school diploma, which in my opinion takes away the need for an electoral college system.…