In The Member of the Wedding, Carson McCullers strictly focuses on the main character, twelve-year-old Frankie Jasmine Addams. This novel outlines the coming of age of Frankie Addams, and shows the evolution of her self-image. Frankie, as any normal preteen with self-esteem issues, continuously doubts herself throughout the story. She feels as if she is a member of nothing in the world, she belongs to nothing, and no one wants her to belong. Although it seems that Frankie has always felt this way, this was the summer that she began to feel she was not a member, and on the last Friday of August, it had all changed. As Frankie continues to struggle with this lost feeling, she takes drastic measures to force herself into belonging in the town where she lived with her father, her housekeeper, and her cousin. These actions include changing her name several times, stealing knives, the mishap with Barney, and the incident with the soldier at The Blue Moon. The only thing that Frankie believes she belongs to is her brother, Jarvis, and his fiancé, Janice, and their wedding. She constantly says, "They are the we of me", and she plans to leave home with them after the wedding in Winter Hill. Frankie Addams continues with her self-conscious thoughts and feelings while she matures and finds her place in the world.
In part two, Frankie changes her name to F. Jasmine in order to sound more mature and to have her name begin with "Ja-" just like Jarvis and Janice. This shows that Frankie wants to be like them because she feels they are who she belongs to, and the only group where she belongs. Then, in part three, Frankie again changes her name from F. Jasmine to Frances. This is after her experience with rejection and disappointment from the only group where she thought she belonged. Frankie promises everyone throughout the story that after her brother's wedding, she is going to leave with Jarvis and Janice, and plans to never return