The main conflicts among the characters in the stories were between Antonio and Shylock, and Abigail and the Proctors. In The Merchant of Venice characters that were impacted by lies, gossip, rumours were Antonio and Shylock. Antonio owes Shylock 3000 ducats by a certain time, or Shylock will be able to cut a pound of Antonio's flesh. In the play Salerio and Solanio discuss about how Antonio’s ships have rumoured to sink at sea.”Why, yet it lives there unchecked that Antonio hath a ship of rich lading wrecked on the narrow seas” .With that rumour Shylock is now able to get the revenge he was destined to receive, which made his and Antonio’s relationship even worse.…
The prince studies the inscriptions on the three caskets and chooses the gold one, which proves to be an incorrect choice. In Venice, Shylock is furious to find that his daughter has run away, but rejoices in the fact that Antonio’s ships are rumored to have been wrecked and that he will soon be able to claim his debt. In Belmont, the prince of Aragon also visits Portia. He, too, studies the caskets carefully, but he picks the silver one, which is also incorrect. Bassanio arrives at Portia’s estate, and they declare their love for one another. Despite Portia’s request that he wait before choosing, Bassanio immediately picks the correct casket, which is made of lead. He and Portia rejoice, and Graziano confesses that he has fallen in love with Nerissa. The couples decide on a double wedding. Portia gives Bassanio a ring as a token of love, and makes him swear that under no circumstances will he part with it. They are joined, unexpectedly, by Lorenzo and Jessica. The celebration, however, is cut short by the news that Antonio has indeed lost his ships, and that he has forfeited his bond to Shylock. Bassanio and Graziano immediately travel to Venice to try and save Antonio’s life. After they leave, Portia tells Nerissa that they will go to Venice disguised as…
6. In Scene II, why do Portia and Nerissa review the suitors who have come to court Portia?…
In the play The Merchant of Venice Shylock, a rich Jewish moneylender in Venice agrees to loan Bassanio three thousand ducats on Antonio’s guarantee. Shylock is made to be the villain in the Merchant of Venice because of some of the things he does. But even though he may not have been the only one in the wrong, he is still guilty of the deadly sins of, avarice, envy, and wrath.…
Portia, Lady from Belmont, always seemed like a sweet girl, always behaved the way her father wanted her too. Obviously her father’s death has caused some changes as recently Portia has taken some extreme risks to save her love Bassanio.…
1)PORTIAYes, yes, it was Bassanio; as I think, he was so called.NERISSATrue, madam: he, of all the men that ever my foolish…
Because Antonio knows that Shylock wont back down and that the deal was what it was, and that the judge is going to go with justice and that a deal is a deal.…
Shylock cannot be considered the most villainous character in this play, for he shoulders much undeserved ridicule for his religion. Nearly every character in Shakespeare’s famous play behaves in malevolent or unjust ways at one point in the story, whether it is predominantly as selfishness, cruelty, or vindictiveness. But does this pronounce them villains? Whilst Shylock is portrayed as a villain in more than one aspect, does this not warrant that Portia, being unjustly biased and unlawful, also be given the title of villain? Should not Shylock’s daughter Jessica be labelled a villain for her deceptive and larcenist actions and Antonio for his bigotry and obstinacy? And what of Bassanio; does he not selfishly and irresponsibly borrow money from Antonio, unable to afford to repay him, in order to further his personal wants? Each of these characters exhibits wanton villainous behaviour, with some performing more acts than others. They execute deceptive and vengeful acts in different forms, with most also being prejudiced in one way or another. Shylock could well be the ‘supposed’ villain of Shakespeare’s play, for he is Antonio’s enemy, and Antonio, being quite obviously the plays most prominent and most famous character, is quite possibly made out to be the main character of the play, rather than Bassanio, or even Shylock himself. The title page of the first quarto of ‘The Merchant of Venice’; ‘the moſt excellent Hiſtorie of the…
Shylock first appears to the audience in Act I scene III and engages in a heated debate with Bassanio, who is trying to convince Shylock to lend money to Antonio. Throughout the whole conversation, Shylock echoes Bassanio’s words and inserts “well” on to the end. As a result, Shylock initially comes across as a mal-educated, asinine man. By Act III scene I, Shylock proves to the…
In the play The Merchant of Venice Shylock is supposed to be the protagonist, the definition of protagonist is; the leading character or a major character in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text. But the way Shylock is portrayed is more along the lines of being both victim and villain. Shylock is out for one pound of Antonio’s flesh which will in the end kill Antonio and the flesh will do him no good anyway. But he also gets called cruel names and is pushed around and spit on in the public by Christians, Antonio and all of Antonio’s friends. And farther on into the play Shylock is betrayed by his own daughter who stole from her father and became a Christian. But as victimised as Shylock is, he is also out for revenge on all Christians and is willing to kill to get what he thinks everyone deserves. This makes him appear to be a villain.…
Second, it introduces us to Portia — not simply as Bassanio's love interest, but as also a witty woman of powerful character. It gives us an insight on her opinions and what she looks for in a husband as well.…
Portia and Nerissa are the heroes of the story. Regardless of gender. Portia is an important symbol in the play. She shows selflessness by paying the debt that is putting Antonio’s life on the line. “Pay him six thousand, and deface the bond; Double six thousand, and then treble that, before a friend of this description shall lose a hair through Bassanio’s fault.”…
Love is a complex topic that grows and matures from the trust, loyalty, and respect a couple share for one another. In order for two individuals to successfully remain in a loving relationship, they must be worthy of each other. The worthiness of an individual is expressed as an important theme in one of Shakespeare 's famous plays, The Merchant of Venice. Bassanio is presented as a character who is the right match for an astonishingly fair lady, Portia. However, a new opinion regarding Bassanio 's worth - contradicting with other theories - is revealed. Bassanio is not worthy of Portia, as his dishonesty, his inability to keep his word, and…
7. Who is Portia? What has she noticed about Brutus lately? Portia is Brutus’ wife. She has noticed that he is very complexed and he has been hanging around strange men.…
Shylock is crafty and pretentious. To exact his revenge, he tricks Antonio to sign a bond in return for the loan of 3000 ducats to help Bassanio. He uses words like a bond signed “in a merry sport” and “This is kind I offer.” He agrees not to charge interest but prefers a pound of Antonio’s flesh if Antonio is not able to repay the loan. He pretends that he is not serious about the pound of flesh by saying: “If he should break his day, what should I gain…