Franz Kafka, a Bohemian novelist, provides his take of human development within his short story; The Metamorphosis. Kafka’s ability to utilize themes of transformation in the story’s plot and the development of his characters allows readers to gain a better understanding of humanity. His characters evolve throughout a time of trauma and loss. Whereas, the story’s protagonist undergoes a well-known physical …show more content…
Initially, Kafka portrayed Grete as a carefree adolescent who enjoyed luxuries, such as “dressing herself nicely,” “sleeping in late,” and “playing the violin” before her brother’s ailment (Kafka 37). After that, we begin to see Grete assume maturing responsibilities as her family begins to adjust to the loss of their primary income-Gregor. Images of Grete as a salesgirl, studying “stenography and French” to advance in her career critically exhibit Grete’s transition from a carefree teenager to a resolute woman (Kafka …show more content…
Initially, Grete bears a patient attitude when introduced to the challenge of caring for her brother in his delicate condition. Moreover, Kafka successfully exemplifies Grete’s compassion when depicting her first attempt at feeding Gregor as an insect. Upon return to an untouched bowl of milk, Grete thoughtfully replaces it with scraps of various leftover foods, such as “old half-rotten vegetables,..., some raisins and almonds” to gain a better understanding of Gregor’s new appetite, while efficiently appeasing his hunger (Kafka 31). Besides, her efforts to feed her brother, Grete thoughtfully alters his room to open up space for him to crawl and ensures his room remains clean. Yet as the story intensifies, Grete’s compassion dwindles and an attitude of patience evolves into one of carelessness. Eventually, her acts of unconditional love become arduous tasks and enable Grete’s view of her brother to encompass a contrasting feeling of hatred. Kafka exceptionally pairs Grete’s gradual loss of compassion throughout her transition into womanhood and the workforce, to highlight the demanding responsibilities driving her to a cold demeanor in regards to her brother’s