
The Metaphor Of Sin In Augustine's City Of God

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This reminded me of Augustine’s City of God, as Augustine address the rise and fall of empires was nothing unusual in human history and provided critic of the empire’s ideals. Father Joe never seemed to be disappointed or distracted by Tony’s life happenings. It was just a part of Tony’s life journey. In the City of God, original sin appears as the sin of pride. The city is Augustine’s metaphor of choice simply because, in his day, the city was the cultural and political model. Father Tom uses “defining satire” as a metaphor to help Tony see a different perspective of his life this metaphor is based on what Tony is familiar with. As Augustine speaks of two cities, two social order: the city of God and the earthly city, which co-exist side by side and are inseparable. Both cities built on the foundation of love. The city of God is built on the divine love. The earthly city is built on love of self. Father Joe is trying to help Tony see there are two ways to respond to life through love. Those who truly believe in the true God may now enter into that heavenly city, even though such belief does not guarantee status. Augustine characterizes each city and each person in …show more content…

Augustine mirrors Father Joes counsel in one of his letter stating, Those who care for the sick do it not to keep them sick, but so that they become well; likewise, the church must love the bad in hope that they become good … there is no other place for correcting our conduct save in this life. (empire 87) Augustine also provides a Just War Theory that seemed familiar with Father Joe’s explaniation. A brief summary of the Just War Theory states, War must be just, not to satisfy territorial ambition or exercise power, it must be waged by proper authority, keeping from personal vendettas, and even in the midst of violence that is a necessary part of war, the motive of love must be central. (gon

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