Loving others is something we should all try and become better at. We see some wonderful examples of this in all three books. In the Middle of Everywhere we saw it when it explained the stories of the refugees leaving their own countries and cultures to find a better life. Some parents would save up all their money just so they could get their children to a safer place. In the story where the two sisters, Shireen …show more content…
and Meena Leave Iraq, they had to go through so much struggle. Yet, when they got to America people were mean and rude. Luckily there were a few kind hearted people who loved everyone despite their differences that helped their adjustment better. We learned that other people weren’t as fortunate and despite the hardships of their journey to find a better place to call home, they wanted to go back to their native lands because it is where people were the same as each other and loved them. In the book Wonder we saw throughout the whole book Augie getting bullied, ridiculed and judged because he was different than everyone else. There were some kids who just looked at Auggie’s face and automatically judged him for what he looked like, instead of really getting to know how kind, smart, and overall great kid he really is. I think the character Summer really demonstrates the best example of how to act and love others, no matter their differences. She confessed that August looked differently, but didn’t let that stop her from loving him and treating him with kindness and respect. I think she really learned from becoming friends with Auggie that he is just like other kids, he just looks different than the rest. In the last book, A Path Appears we see love in almost every story that we read about. This is because people love others so much that they want to help them in any way that they can. One example in particular that I enjoyed was the story of the young lady who had clubfoot. Her dad loved her so much and wanted her to have a better life that he took her into a foreign country, even after everyone called him crazy, so his daughter could be cured of clubfoot for $250. This father loved his daughter so much that he would take her into a foreign country to get cured just so she wouldn’t be considered disabled and become a beggar. He wanted her to become whatever she wanted to become.
Each and every one of us can make a difference. Whether it be a big difference or a small difference, we can all change our communities and the world. Change can simply be done by one person. In The Middle of Everywhere we see this in two separate ways. The first being those refugees who were brave enough to be the first to travel and make way for the others that will follow them to safety. Their act of bravery helped several to follow. The second way we see that everyone can make a difference is those who helped the refugees when they came to the United States, for example, cultural brokers. Throughout the book the author talks and explains what it is like to work with the refugees who come to the United States. She has helped many people from all cultures and diverse backgrounds. It is amazing to hear that through her help, show compassion, empathy, generosity and kindness towards these refuges, she helped save life’s. In the book Wonder, we see an example of this a lot in Summer and Jacks chapters. Despite Auggie being different, they loved him, and that made all the difference for Auggie and his experience at school. It also is shown in the example of Jack and Julian’s parents. Jacks mother was encouraging and treated everyone with respect. This was the example that then developed in Jack. But We see that Julian’s parents are making a difference in a negative way because they are teaching Julian to be closed minded and to not accept others because of their differences. I think we often think that making a difference is always in a positive light, however, it can often be negative with how our actions reflect certain situations. Lastly, in A Path Appears, we see that each and every one of us can make a difference by doing something to help those around us. We see an example of this towards the beginning of the book. A young man was told he was retarded. He felt hopeless in life. Then one day he was mentored by an adult who encouraged him to succeed in life. Because of this one mentor, he grew up very successful. He is now retired and is mentoring others in hope he can have the same impact on other people’s life, like his own mentor had on his.
Finding joy in the little things in life is something we all need to remember.
After reading all three books it is easy to see that no one is going to have a perfect life, and we are all going to have trails or know of someone who has hardships in life. I was inspired by the refugee’s love, joy, virtue and belief of their family and their culture. I love how they accepted the American culture as well. Even when people were rude and mean to them, they still found a way to push through their trials and find joy in their new life’s in America. The best thing we all can do is find joy in the little things in life. In the middle of everywhere, the chapter on children showed this. Children often struggled when they go to school because everything is new to them. Refugee children in particular have just experienced and scare and traumatizing event of being torn away from their home and culture. The children attending school often struggle socially and academically because many do not understand and speak our language. The best thing that they can do is find joy in the little things throughout their day to help them cope with the change. In the book Wonder, we see an example of this in the very last chapter. Everyone is walking, the kids in one group, the adults in another. Everyone laughing, happy, and having a good time. Then Auggie notices his mom walking behind them, by herself, but smiling. He goes and gives her a hug, and she says how she is grateful for him in her life and for being him. I think this example relates to finding joy in the little things. As I often think that the reason why she had fallen behind on the walk home was because she was find joy in the life of her son. How he is one of the best things that have happened to her. In A Path Appears we find an example of finding joy in the little things in life is when it talks about John Wood. His friend told him, “the secret in life is to think early on what you want your legacy to be, what you would like
to able to say on your deathbed. Then work backward from there.” I really liked this because we can think about what we want to be remembered for, however we have to go through the journey to accomplish that legacy. While we are on that journey we will be able to find the little things in life. I believe it was in the first chapter or two it said something to the extent that reaching out to try and help is a joy. It improves life expectancy too, but that’s the added bonus. I loved this because if we help others, we will be able to find joy in that part of our life’s as well, despite our own hardships.
In conclusion, I really enjoyed all three of these books. We were able to see similar themes throughout each of these books. The ones that I picked out were to love others, we can all make a difference, and to find joy in the little things in life. I often take for granted how blessed I am. Yet every character in these books shows strength and courage. The best thing that I can do is be aware of those around me to help enrich my life, and those around me.