Mid-Life Crisis and Generativity - Can motivate a person to live up to their full potential; which can lead to a person being more focused on reasonable goals that are not selfish in nature, but add value to the lives around them. Mid-Life Crisis and Stagnation – A person feels a great desire to satisfy all the needs, wants, and desires that have been put off. This behavior is usually justified in some manner of “I deserve it”. This thinking usually leads to negative thoughts which breed the start of Mid-life Crisis.
Cure – Technically there is no cure for the conditions of a person’s heart. They must complete the cycle of change and hopefully when the person see themselves in the eyes of others this chain reaction can lead them in the positive direction to deal with a midlife crisis. (Hammond …show more content…
Phil’s itemized list of symptoms to look for hit home for me, since my partner has been dealing with all the symptoms listed for the last five years. Several individuals conveyed to me several times that my partner might be going through a midlife crisis; I just didn’t want to believe it was true. In conclusion my research has shown that a midlife crisis plays no favoritism, it is not generalized to specific sex, race, religion, or ethical background. Collectively, we all can experience a midlife crisis at some point, and time in the later decades of life. The only difference is that men and women just deal with the crisis differently. Furthermore, I gained more understanding of the symptoms, and why we as individuals experience a midlife crisis, I am hoping this new knowledge will help me to have more patience and understanding when dealing with someone experiencing a midlife