
'The Minister's Black Veil' By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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'The Minister's Black Veil' By Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Minister's Black Veil In this essay, “The Minister’s Black Veil”, by Nathaniel Hawthorne indicates several characteristics of American Romanticism. For example,"Hooper continues to wear the black veil through the rest of the day's duties,including a funeral,(14). It was ok if he would wear the black veil for the funeral but to wear it all day,it mad him look really bad.He describes the sinful black veil that contributes sins to people's minds."The veil makes Hooper appears so other-worldly that after the funeral members of the congregation believe they see him and the departed maiden's spirit walking hand in hand"(15).So many things happen when he was around other people. One of the things that happen was that ghost appeared when

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