The film begins when David Drayton (played by Thomas Jane) , his son, Billy (played by Nathan Gamble), and his neighbor, Brent Norton( played by Andre Brauer), go to the local store to buy supplies after a big storm. As they enter the store, they meet a lot of the small town’s inhabitants. Among them a cold and angry Christian woman named Mrs. Carmody (played by Marcia Gay Harden), some conscious liberal old people, down to earth good-guys and military personnel. Shortly after their arrival a thick fog arrives, and a man claims that there is “something in the mist”. Screaming from slow moving people seems to prove that. The people in the store then close the doors, try to find out what´s going on, and try to survive as groups of people start competing for power. Mrs. Carmody claims that this is a punishment from God as she tries to take control over the
The film begins when David Drayton (played by Thomas Jane) , his son, Billy (played by Nathan Gamble), and his neighbor, Brent Norton( played by Andre Brauer), go to the local store to buy supplies after a big storm. As they enter the store, they meet a lot of the small town’s inhabitants. Among them a cold and angry Christian woman named Mrs. Carmody (played by Marcia Gay Harden), some conscious liberal old people, down to earth good-guys and military personnel. Shortly after their arrival a thick fog arrives, and a man claims that there is “something in the mist”. Screaming from slow moving people seems to prove that. The people in the store then close the doors, try to find out what´s going on, and try to survive as groups of people start competing for power. Mrs. Carmody claims that this is a punishment from God as she tries to take control over the