Prometheus was the son of Titan Lapetus, he was also on the Titans side during the battle of the titans. He was not punished like the other titans, because he helped Zeus in the war. Prometheus and Zeus had a good relationship, until humans started to become more advanced because of Prometheus. The Titan loved …show more content…
Prometheus the statue was created by American sculptor Paul Manship in 1934. Prometheus is located in Lower Plaza, New York. Paul Manship created the statue because he was fascinated with mythology. The Prometheus statue in Rockefeller center is 18 feet tall, weighs eight tons, and it’s made from cast bronze. The statue shows Prometheus moving forward, handing fire off to humans, he is surrounded by the sea, and encircled by the heavens. The statue represents humans moving forward and searching for knowledge. Aeschylus said “Prometheus, Teacher in Every Art, Brought the Fire That Hath Proved to Mortals a Means to Mighty