The 1st man who recived the paw, wished for death, in his last wish and Mr. White lost his son. In the Third Wish however, Mr. Peters got what he wanted and was happy for some time, but felt disturbed when his wife was missing her home. She cried, saying “ I miss the old life, in the forest, the cool grass and the mist rising of the river at sunrise and the feel of water sliding of my feathers as my sister and I drifted along the stream” Mr. Peters, can’t see his wife in pain, and decides to turn he back into a swan, so she can be with her
The 1st man who recived the paw, wished for death, in his last wish and Mr. White lost his son. In the Third Wish however, Mr. Peters got what he wanted and was happy for some time, but felt disturbed when his wife was missing her home. She cried, saying “ I miss the old life, in the forest, the cool grass and the mist rising of the river at sunrise and the feel of water sliding of my feathers as my sister and I drifted along the stream” Mr. Peters, can’t see his wife in pain, and decides to turn he back into a swan, so she can be with her