In writing his novel “Monster”, Walter Dean Myers used his experience to keep the judicial system relevant to his points while still realistic. Steve’s attorney, O’Brien, is honest about her role in the system to Steve, telling him, “My job is to make sure the law works for you as well as against you.” Instead of pretending to be crusading for a not guilty verdict, O’Brien tells the truth that she intends to help hunt down the truth both for and against Steve as an unbiased tool of the court. This means that she will insure that the jury’s predispositions do not change their verdicts, that the prejudice of the court doesn’t change the evidence given in court, and that the evidence against Steve is legitimate and/or nonexistent.…
Imagine that you’re guilty of a crime just because you’re a young black teen living in Harlem New York. How would you feel? Well Steven Harman is, and he is on trial for murder. Monster is the books name written by Walter dean Myers. It’s called Monster because of what the prosecutor, Miss Petrecelli referred to Steve as. A theme found through out this book is prejudice and it is shown through his background, the jail, and the clothes.…
The monster learned most of his knowledge from the four books he found at De Lacey's. The books consisted of Paradise Lost, Sorrows of a Young Werther, Plutarch's Lives, and Ruins of Empire. These books greatly influenced the creatures decisions and worldviews based on their content. If I had to replace the four books in the story to change how the creature ended up, I would switch out Paradise Lost for a dictionary, and Sorrows of a Young Werther for Where the Red Fern Grows. I would also switch Plutarch's Lives for A Separate Peace and Ruins of Empires for the Bible. Changing the reading material of the monster would greatly impact how he acts and thus, changing the outcome of the story.…
Technology greatly affected the way in which wars were fought, especially in World War I. The inventions of the repeating machine gun, the development of poison gas, and the introduction of the first tanks caused armies to fight using the bunkering method. This allowed men to huddle in trenches along what are called skirmish lines and throw, lob, and fire by other means weapons to cause damage while men were protected by about 4 to 5 feet deep earth. This caused men to fight in rear or echelon columns behind tanks can basically caused defensive fighting tactics resulting in drawn out protracted battles.…
1.It was more violent and the weapons became stronger. Bigger guns and better tanks ect.…
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is interpreted differently by each reader. Underlying themes ranging from the author's own life story to criticism of the shortcomings of religion, each reader finds a different theme explored throughout the literary classic. In the essay "Assembling Frankenstein" by Chris Baldrick, several of these underlying themes are proposed, many of which Baldrick attributes inspiration derived from correlated writings that are proposed to have influenced the author. Baldrick focuses more on the external influences of the author's life, including sociological gender roles and the socialization of an outcast, as well as the Romantic Idealism literary movement of the time of the industrial revolution. Although both of these may…
For many people, seeing someone who is different may be hard to accept. In Frankenstein, a plethora of characters mentioned were unable to accept that the monster was, for want of a better word, a person. There is an innumerable amount of traits that make a us human and the monster appeared to have many of them. The qualities that make us human include the ability to care, intense emotions, the ability to tell right from wrong, and competence. Examples of the monster portraying these traits are spread out through the book.…
The book “Frankenstein” by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley discusses Victor Frankenstein's life before the creation and after. The monster wasn’t made for mass destruction but godful life. Seeking revenge for rejection from mankind, the creature creates loneliness in Victor’s life. The question “Is man born evil or is evil created in man by society” is answered in the book because the creature wasn’t born evil. Over the years he grew a dark side because of no guidance, rejection, failure, and jealousy.…
I believe that people are born neither inherently good nor evil, but are created as blank slates to be constructed by childhood impressions and other life experiences. In my opinion, the concepts of good and bad are impossible to be natural instinct. Rather, these ideas are mainly formed by the guidance and direction from one’s parents, and also by observation of the environment, and how others handle specific interactions.…
Dickens' places a heavy load on opposite forces in A Tale of Two Cities. Such antitheses occur between polar characters and contrary settings, and they enhance the meaning of certain aspects of the novel to a great extent.…
When we hear the word ‘monster’ or ‘creature’ the first thing usually comes to mind might be a brainless being that serves no purpose in this world rather to destroy our society. We soon find that to be very misleading in which bother characters in the novel Grendel and Frankenstein provide evidence that no only are they aware of their own selves but of the corrupted world that we live in. Grendel in the novel is very similar to the monster in Frankenstein because both characters are aware of their isolated selves, realize their destruction capabilities, and comprehend the grotesque appearances that they both obtain.…
Monsters have truly captivated me for multiple reasons. Some of the reasons being that they are supernatural.…
satan, the face is red with horns coming from their head, with fang teeth and dark…
The monster, although it has acquired the name Frankenstein in popular culture, remains nameless throughout the novel, signifying its lack of acceptance in a human society. The monster’s rejection stems significantly from its appearance, ranging from its "yellow skin" (Shelley 42) and "dim-white sockets" (42) to its "straight black lips” (42) and a "shriveled complexion” (42). Shelley has clearly distinguished the monster, marking the first divide between monster and human. She has also established the initial trickling of the monster’s inability to associate with humans. In fact, the monster’s own creator, Victor Frankenstein, rejects it due to its appearance and refuses to interact with the hideous beast. The monster’s appearance prevents other characters from seriously interacting with the monster, as they form a prejudice against a non-human being. The fear of that which is non-human lingers throughout Shelley’s…
Fear is an emotion that everyone has and comes in many different shapes and forms. Typically in children that fear takes form as a monster. As a child I found my monster in the form of aliens. The word monster derives from the old French word monstre which in the 13th century was a term to describe a “disfigured person”. Over hundreds of year this word has taken many meanings. In my case the definition of my monster is the fifth definition in the Oxford English dictionary,”A person of repulsively unnatural character, or exhibiting such extreme cruelty as to appear in human; a monstrous example of evil, a vice,etc.” This relates to my monster because in my case my aliens were only doing evil and were nothing like anything from Earth.…