Monster is the story about a 16 year old black boy named Steve Harmon from Harlem. Steve is on trial for a being a possible accomplice to a murder. The book begins with him in jail waiting for his trial to start. The story is written in screenplay format, due to Steve’s passion for filmmaking, along with Steve's journal writing which he does even in the courtroom. Steve writes this way to keep his sanity while being in prison during the trial. The majority of the story takes place in the courtroom. Steve is there with another defendant, James King, who has his own attorney. The events of the robbery unfold through the accounts of witnesses, attorneys and the participants. The book is about Steve's trial and whether he will be found guilty of felony murder…
H. neandertal speech capabilities have proven in recent years to be a task capturing much of the time and research of anthropologist. In the 20th century it was commonly thought that H. neandertal was too brutish and simple to have evolved into modern humans, and had very little modern behavior or capabilities. As the fossil record grew and the technology progressed the scientific community found evidence of modern behavior and possibly speech capabilities, that would portray H. neandertal as the advance subspecies he was instead of the brutish, unintelligent being that had been reinforced through the 20th century.…
9.9 of every 100,000 teenagers are the cause for deaths. Steve Harmon is a high school student, who is sent to jail and is being tried for murder. The plot takes place in Steve’s jail cell and the court room. The lesson to be learned from the book is, if someone does something wrong they have to pay for it. The book is a murder mystery, that can entertain anyone. This book is a must read in my opinion.…
There are many factors that should be taken into consideration when debating on what the biggest problems are not only in the justice system but also in the court system, many of them being seen throughout the novel Monster by Walter Dean Myers. For instance, race seems to still be an issue in today’s justice system. One example on how race is a problem in the justice system is on the case of Clarence Brandley. Clarence was realized from jail after being wrongfully convicted and on death row for almost one decade as it states in the Montana Abolition Coalition article. Another problem in the justice system is the death penalty. One reason why the death penalty is a problem is because innocent people can be executed as it also states in the Montana Abolition Coalition article. One final problem out of the many is the the court system is actually the jury. For example as it is stated in the article jurs are supposed to be representative of our diverse community (Ladner,2000).…
This Socratic Seminar made me agree much more with Socrates’ beliefs: that extended discussion and continual questioning facilitate the most meaningful learning experiences. It helped me understand the novel much more than I had before because I got to hear about the book from the perspective of others and how they interpreted the story and discussed what they thought were the positive and negative aspects of Frankenstein. I discovered that many others interpreted some meanings of the novel in the same way that I did.…
The concept of monsters has captivated our society for hundreds of years because they represent what society has driven out of the individual. Monsters encapsulate the aspects of humanity that have been changed by the growing civility and refinement fostered by our society.…
People who stutter have a problem finishing sentences and words. This causes negative attitudes towards stutterers like bullying, name calling and neglect. Scientists have a difficult time finding a cure, because they are…
The 19th century reader of the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley was treated to a tale of fantastic proportions. A story of a monster that was created from parts of corpses and could be brought to life would have been an extremely scary story. They would not know if the creation of a monster in this way was really a scientific possibility. The 21st century audience however, now knows that this is not scientifically possible. The fear that was struck in the hearts of the 19th century reader by this monster is now gone. With this in mind the story of Frankenstein now has to be altered to conjure the same fear in our current society of that which existed in the hearts of the original audience. In Hollywood's remakes of the original novel the monster is not the same monster as was in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Hollywood has used aesthetics, science and dehumanization of the monster to turn the story of Frankenstein into movies that would reflect our current society. This essay will strive to draw connections from the original text, empirical research and Hollywood's modern day film remakes of Frankenstein to demonstrate how the monster has been changed and turned into a monster that our society can understand.…
In Monster by Walter Dean Myers a teenage boy named Steve Harmon. Steve Harmon may or may not be apart of a felony murder case that killed a 55-year-old man. Steve learned The people you hang out with and the actions you make can turn your life around in a second.In my life I have learned many things but one important lesson is you need to keep your head up because in life things are going to get rough and there is not always a solution to the problems that we face.…
In group 2A there was a five year old girl by the name Norma Pugh. In the second session with Tudor, it was clear that she did not want to talk. Another child that was nine years old named Betty Romp actually refused to talk in general. These two kids were in the group that were fluent speaking but told that they were going to become stutterers if they did not fix these issues immediately. The kids in this group were afraid that if they were talking that they were going to start stuttering. They eventually started to struggle saying certain words. This proved to Tudor and Johnson that stuttering is actually something that can affect anyone if they are giving a certain type of reinforcement. Johnson started this experiment to prove that if a child is labeled as a stutterer, they could become a stutterer. This is was proven true because five of the six orphans in the group of fluent speakers that were given negative reinforcement, became…
Attempts to explain language development have sparked a spirited intellectual controversy. At the heart of this controversy is the nature-nurture debate. Behaviorist B. F. Skinner believed that we can explain how babies acquire language entirely with principles of learning, such as the association of objects with the sounds of words, the imitation of language modeled by others, and the reinforcement of correct use of words and syntax by parents and teachers. Linguist Noam Chomsky, who favors the nature position, believes that much of our language capacity is inborn. According to this perspective, just as "learning" to walk is programmed according to a timetable of biological maturation, so are children pre-wired to begin to babble and talk.…
The development of language isn’t due solely to a larger brain, but also to genes and the physiological anatomy of humans.…
Mary Shelley’s narrative, Frankenstein is the story of Victor Frankenstein and his creation. “It was on a dreary night of November that I beheld the accomplishment of my toils…by the glimmer of the half-extinguished light I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open; it breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its limbs.(52)” This was the time and the place in which the creature came to life. Victor Frankenstein thought that his creation was a hideous monster, but his ignorance blinded him from the truth. In veracity, Victor Frankenstein was the real monster this was evident from his selfishness, from his cruelty and rejection of his creation, and because he indirectly caused the deaths of his own family and friends.…
The nature-nurture controversy has been a constant argument between scientists for centuries and still neither side has won. What most agree on is that we do get our looks and physical attributes from our genes. On the other hand scientists can’t agree on whether or not we get our intelligence, personalities, and attitudes from our genes or are they simply learned. This introduction brings us to the main question: “Do children acquire language because they are genetically predisposed to do so or because parents intensively teach them from an early age”? I believe that language is acquired through nurturing. “By nurture, we mean the complex forces of the physical and social world that influence our biological makeup and psychological experiences before and after birth”(Berk 8).…
Although several researches have been carried out to judge its veracity, general agreement has yet to be reached. This essay aims to critically discuss the evidence concerning the CPH and to reflect upon its implications for language learning. I will first consider feral children and then second language acquisition as ways of testing the CPH, followed by the main causes of current dissent. Finally, I will conclude that the existence of a critical period remains inconclusive and controversial and suggest that a sensible period is more…