In the drama, The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street, Rod Serling does a fabulous job at showing how the character actions and events are important to advancing the plot. The power went out on the whole street and Woman tried calling the Operator she said “Operator, Operator, something’s wrong on the phone, Operator!” and “Same thing over here. I can’t get anybody on the phone either. The phone seems to be dead.”…
In “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street “ -by Rod Serling the characters themselves and the choices they make are very important in this piece of writing because they created conflict that could’ve been prevented. Tommy the little boy was afraid for Steve to go to the city to go check on the power and he told everyone that the Aliens didn’t want them to leave and that they sent down people ahead of them that were like humans . Everyone got scared and told Tommy to stop talking nonsense because they were getting worried ,and people started to grow suspicious . The texts says “ They don’t want anyone to leave except.. “ except who “ the people they sent down ahead of them they looked just like humans but they really aren’t … come…
6. Holden, Stephen. "Monster (2003) FILM REVIEW; A Murderous Journey To Self-Destruction." The New York Times. N.p., 24 Dec. 2003. Web. May 2014. <>.…
A 1946 German Film called, in English, “The Murderers are Among Us” presents a black and white film that is about learning to deal with the past. For a person, they can either let the past destroy them and take away their future, or they can work through the past and move on to their future. This story is about love that has formed between two differently individuals and how they dealt with their past to move on with their future.…
In Monsters are Due on Maple St. there were many themes. The two themes I picked that I think are the most valid are “Suspicion can destroy” and “a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout of its own.” Both of these themes are very good explanations of the story.…
Death is an inevitable concept that will never fade away. How one chooses to cope with it shows what they are like as a person. The fictional work, A Monster Calls, by Patrick Ness, tells the tale of a young boy named Conor. He is visited by a monster who is the yew tree in his own background. Throughout the story, readers find out that Conor’s mother has a terminal illness, assumed to be cancer, and Conor imposes the blame on himself. However, it is revealed that the monster had come to try to get Conor to believe that he is not guilty and to blame for his mother’s illness. Through the symbolic meaning of the monster, Patrick Ness shows his philosophical message that in order to grow and change as a person, acceptance is key. There are some…
Monster horror is a subgenre of the typical horror genre which incorporates monsters and beasts into horror. These ‘monsters’ can come in many shapes and sizes and come from different places (e.g. Space or underground). An early example of monster horror is ‘Frankenstein’ (also known as ‘The Modern Prometheus’).…
In order to maintain an aura of mystique, a monster usually would not expose its entire physical body in the beginning of a sci-fi creature movie; however, the director Bong Joon-ho subverts the genre convention and “reworks genre convention using them as a framework for exploring and critiquing South Korean social and political issues” (Klein). The story of the film The Host mainly depicts how members of a dysfunctional family use their own ways to rescue the missing daughter, who has been captured by a creature emerging from the Han River in Seoul. The background setting is just like the convention of Hollywood movies. But ironically, all of extrinsic factors involving government and normal citizens…
The theme of “The Monsters are due on Maple Street” is that you have to believe little kids when something bad happens because they see stuff we don’t see everyday. Tommy said this in the play. “ Whoever was in that thing that came over. I don’t think they want us to leave here.”…
Shelley’s novel Frankenstein is a story about a man named Frankenstein who makes a monster. After creating the monster Frankenstein neglects it. This makes the monster depressed and lonely. This causing the monster to seek revenge on his creator, he does this by murdering Frankenstein’s family one by one to bring Frankenstein to the level of despair at which the monster resided. Foreshadowing, diction and imagery create horror by creating suspense and repulsion in quotes.…
This television show, written by James Manos Jr., is a very bloody and exciting series. In season four Dexter discovers another serial killer, Arthur Mitchell. James’s purpose of creating this show is to represent how the serial killer Dexter is not a monster. He emphasis how others are real monsters when they murder innocent people. Arthur was the writer’s main argument to express that Dexter, in comparison to other serial killers, is not a bad person. Manos is trying to appeal to an older audience. He wants the viewers to gain a relationship with Dexter, and understand why he kills. This source paves the path for this argumentative research paper by giving good examples of actual monsters in comparison to Dexter.…
The Monsters are Due on Maple Street teaches us that people are suspicious of what they don't understand. When the lights went out the people got scared. When Les Goodman’s car started by itself the others blamed him. When these things happened people started pointing fingers and trying to find a scapegoat. People lose control of their mind when they don't understand.…
Monsters are imaginary creatures that humans created. People’s fears, worries, or anxieties have been used to create the fictional monsters. Monsters have features that society deem to be scary or bad. The novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and the novella The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka follow the story of a 'monster'. Pushed away from society, and labeled as an outcast, the monster is often hurt by the people around it. However, the monsters in these stories were not always monsters. They were once simple creatures, loving and kind, who were pushed away by society, turned into outcasts and deemed unfit to live among the rest of society. Once deemed unfit for society, both Frankenstein's monster and Gregor turned towards monstrosity. Both…
The lens through which readers encounter monsters is often a skewed one. This lens could be that of the author, who seeks to embody a monster as a horrific, non-human entity that will cause havoc in an area. Similarly, this lens could be that of a character in a piece, one who witnesses the monster’s wrath and destruction firsthand and hopes to avoid the cruel savage being. Monster narratives rarely unfold from the perceptive of the monster, and, as such, audiences must rely on other sources as to the monster’s course of action. Such voices can carry a bias with them. As in the case of the author, the omniscient perspective provides descriptions of the monster without directly interacting the monster. This perspective could easily fail to report…
In the first teleplay “Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” [made in 1960], the story tells of how fear can…