Assisted suicide is a way to let your self free from all of the pain that you are having under the correct circumstances. The next quote is a person talking to the Governor of California. "Maynard talked to Brown three days before her death after the 29-year-old Californian, who was dying of brain cancer, moved to Oregon last year so she could take her own life as allowed by that state's end-of-life law.” This women had to move to Oregon because she was dying from Brain cancer. She was sick of living with all the doctor visits and living in the hospital. She just wanted it all go away so she took advantage of the assisted suicide which is legal in Oregon. The second reason is it makes it easier for people and believe that it will be better for them. One doctor, who blogs under the alias Scott Alexander at the website Slate Star Codex, describes how many of his patients leave the world: "Old, limbless, bedridden, ulcerated, in a puddle of waste, gasping for breath, loopy on morphine, hopelessly demented in a sterile hospital room.” It makes it harder for people to deal with death. If you had to chose a way to die would you rather die peacefully rather than die a painful and terrible death. Assisted suicide is a Viable option for people that are really struggling to live aren't going to get any better. They would much rather just end the suffering than live in a sterile hospital room for the rest of their
Assisted suicide is a way to let your self free from all of the pain that you are having under the correct circumstances. The next quote is a person talking to the Governor of California. "Maynard talked to Brown three days before her death after the 29-year-old Californian, who was dying of brain cancer, moved to Oregon last year so she could take her own life as allowed by that state's end-of-life law.” This women had to move to Oregon because she was dying from Brain cancer. She was sick of living with all the doctor visits and living in the hospital. She just wanted it all go away so she took advantage of the assisted suicide which is legal in Oregon. The second reason is it makes it easier for people and believe that it will be better for them. One doctor, who blogs under the alias Scott Alexander at the website Slate Star Codex, describes how many of his patients leave the world: "Old, limbless, bedridden, ulcerated, in a puddle of waste, gasping for breath, loopy on morphine, hopelessly demented in a sterile hospital room.” It makes it harder for people to deal with death. If you had to chose a way to die would you rather die peacefully rather than die a painful and terrible death. Assisted suicide is a Viable option for people that are really struggling to live aren't going to get any better. They would much rather just end the suffering than live in a sterile hospital room for the rest of their