I am very lucky to have a lot of special people in my life. The one person who I
have been very fortunate to have in my life is my grandma. She has been there for me
since day one, she saw me come into this world. For the first two years of my life she
took care of me while my mom worked. I was the first of the eight grandchildren so I
have felt very close to my grandparents. I went on my first trip out of state with my
grandpa and grandma, we went to Florida, when I was only two years old. Over the next
few years I spent a lot of time with my grandparents. One day I saw a look in my
grandmas eyes that I would never forget, the day my grandpa passed away. I was nine
years old when she lost the love of her life and mine, he was a very special person that is
still truly missed. To have to see my grandma cry everyday was hard, she never seemed
to really let him go even now it has been 18 years since he passed and she still talks about
him like he was still here. I loved to listen to her tell stories of them both when they first
met, she still has gave me so much hope and shown me the right path to follow. I will
always remember the love she had for my grandpa, I can only hope that me and my
husband will always love each other as much as my grandma and grandpa. My love for
my husband has came from the love that my grandparents shared. My grandma’s love is
just one of her many traits I have instilled in me. I also have strength she is such a strong
women. In all of her 77 years here on this earth she has been through a lot. From what
she has told me in all of her stories it took a lot of strength to live through all her