Iago is quick to capitalize on Roderigo's emotions and intends to procure a financial windfall. Iago goads Roderigo into believing that he can only win Desdemona's love by giving him money, "Put money in thy purse", so that he can attain gifts for her (Shakespeare 1.3. 339). Iago takes the money for the gifts and keeps it to make a profit. Once Roderigo begins to question Iago's honesty, Iago just thinks of more ways to capitalize on other people's weaknesses and offers the idea that killing Cassio will aid Roderigo's cause, thus Iago is making more money and making it easier to take advantage of his next victim, Cassio. It is clear that Iago's motivations are veered somewhat toward monetary gain, something humans are all too familiar …show more content…
Othello is driven to murder the woman he loves through the coaxing of Iago. Iago is not satisfied with only accusing Desdemona of sleeping with Cassio, but continues further to even accuse Othello of sleeping with his wife, Emilia "Twixt my sheets H'as done my office" (Shakespeare 1.3. 378-79). Of course these actions are to achieve his goals, but even more so, these accusations help to validate his actions, acting on behalf of his greed and personal interest, to himself. For it is always easier to put blame on someone else instead looking inward for resolve. The motivations of revenge and jealousy lead him to these actions against Othello and perhaps these motivations are more human nature than any