More injuries and deaths have been recorded as a lack of wearing a seatbelt. Some survivals have occurred because…
For example, in 1975, the government used the Highway Trust Fund as leverage to mandate that motorcyclists wear helmets. However this law was flip-flopped in 1995 after Clinton signed a new law that culminated the 55mph speed limit and the helmet rule.…
Every Fourteen seconds someone is injured in a traffic accident in the United States alone. On average someone dies every thirteen minutes. In fact car crashes are the leading killer of Americans between the ages of three and thirty-three. If those people had been wearing a seatbelt the chances are they would have escaped serious injury or death. Have you ever thought about what the difference of wearing your seat belt could make? Or have you ever though if wearing your seat belt would make a different outcome? Wearing a seatbelt drastically increases ones chance of surviving a car crash. Seatbelts are the single most effective way of protecting ones self in a motor vehicle, yet despite the overwhelming evidence twenty-five percent of teens do not. Its time we enforce…
"New Louisiana Traffic Laws Aim for Seatbelt Use, Bicyclist Protection." Insurance Journal News. Wells Media Group, n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. <>.…
Car accidents are the leading cause of death and injury in the United States of both adults and children. Seat belts were invented for the purpose to help reduce death and injuries. An airbag is not as effective if it was not for a seat belt. “In the United States, a mandatory seat belt law was first enacted in New York in 1984. Lund et al. [6] found a nine percent decline in traffic fatalities in the first nine months when New York enacted mandatory seat belt law.” (Dissanayake 32) There are two types of mandatory laws, Primary Seat Belt Law and Secondary Seat Belt Law. Depending on the child’s age and weight determines how they should be buckled in. “The lifetime medical cost of crash injuries was estimated to be $18.4 billion: $7.7 billion for treated and released patients and $10.7 for hospitalized patients.” (Bergen 895)…
To increase safety of motor vehicle users and the use of seat belt in the most vulnerable population, the proposed policy for New Hampshire is to have a seat belt policy requiring seat belt use for every adult in addition to the existing child safety policy. The proposed policy would use fines to regulate and enforce the seat belt policy; in hopes that there will be a reduction in the death rate from motor vehicle crashes in…
Though not all of the authors references are backed up or clearly stated as having come from an actual, truthful, or real source, he makes a strong argument. From his references to the laws in Vermont and New Hampshire, the military, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, to rates and laws in other countries as well as the United States, Voas is convincing in his argument. In the end of Voas 's article, after making numerous references as well as…
In 2008, 64% of the passenger vehicle occupants ages 13 to 15 and 21 to 34 killed in traffic crashes were not using restraints. These age groups had the highest percentage out of all age groups..…
I am writing this letter in hope of legalizing motorcycle lane splitting in more US states. Motorcycle lane splitting is currently only legal in California and in a few other countries. Many people believe that lane splitting is a dangerous act that motorcyclist do to navigate through traffic. However lane splitting is done to prevent crashes and to help be more visual to other drivers. Lane splitting is legal in California mainly due to California Highway Patrol recommending the act. There are some rules within lane splitting that have recently been put into place to clear up confusion on the law. US DOT FARS database shows that fatalities from rear end collisions into motorcycles are 30% lower in California than in Florida or Texas. Lane splitting is recommended and safe when done responsibly.…
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that a change to the primary law will increase observed belt use 11 percentage points. This jump in belt use should prevent about 64 fatalities, 650 serious injuries, and save $140 million in economic costs annually. People often ask how a safety belt can help them if they are involved in a collision. Studies show that using a seat belt reduces the risk of dying in a vehicle by 50…
The city of San Diego is a safe neighborhood filled with young families, a high concentration of senior citizens, and people of all ages in between; however, when it comes to riding bicycles San Diego is completely the opposite. Riding a bicycle in areas that have no bike lanes can be a nightmare. As a former bike commuter in San Diego, I wanted to bring to your attention that many unreported bike accidents have occurred close to San Diego State University. While riding my bicycle to school, I have seen other bicyclists get hit by cars. I also heard…
Tens of thousands of Americans die every year in motor vehicle accidents. As a result of the increasing number of fatalities each year, the United States began to take action to reduce the amount of avoidable deaths on the road. Following the lead of New York, States implemented mandatory seat belt laws that required people in vehicles to wear seat belts, or risk a fine for failing to do so. The enforcement of seat belt laws significantly increases the use of seat belts, reduces the cost of accidents, and saves thousands of lives every year.…
I believe that most people would, quite simply, not mind wearing helmets for their own personal safety. “It follows that repealing the law (of having to wear helmets) would have only a small positive impact”(Davies). If we were to rid of these mandatory bike helmet laws, it would indeed have a positive impact on only a few people. Being rear-ended is a very important safety issue in the outdoors. And “you don’t really stand a chance of getting rear-ended when you are inside”(Biles). Most people would not give up cycling if they love…
This is an important issue because thousands of motorcycle riders lose their lives every year and we can do something about it. It's a preventable issue to a degree. If good people losing their lives over something so small isn't enough we can discuss the financial burden it places on society as well.The hospital bill, injury time off work, and all legal aspects of it cost taxpayer money. Another reason we should care is that we should strive for safer roadways for everyone driving. A safer road for motorcycles is definitely a safer road for automobiles. If motorcycle injury rates go down we might see an increase of motorcycle rider which in turn reduces congestion on the road. So a win win situation for automobiles to make it safer for motorcycles.. We should care about motorcycle programs or younger riders due to that alone can help new riders stay safe on the roads and stay out of the hospital. The programs wouldn't take that much money and turnaround savings would be huge compared to the cost of…
Third, the delinquents without helmets are a transgression to the safety of the public. These delusional delinquents are the prime criminals in this city. The priority for this offence is much higher than that for any other scofflaw. On the way to a domestic violence call, be sure to stop for twenty-five minutes and explain to this felon why they are irresponsible and must dismantle their bike because of the lack of proper headwear.…