Mr. Braaksma, Andrew is intending to share his gratefulness of always having the plan to attend college. Retrieving a higher education has been in his best interest based on the experience he obtained at his summer job. The summer job in the factory is very mundane and difficult. He expressed how hard it was for him to have an early start and the difficulties of the effects that would cost him over time. While speaking with his coworkers Mr. Braakma was told they had advised him to stay in school and chose another career path. Due to Mr. Braakma’s dedication to his college education he never strayed from it, he has been lucky to be afforded the opportunity to enrich his life how he sees fit.…
Mike Rose and Richard Rodriguez both support education and the success it brings for an individual, but they support them in different ways and for different reasons. In Mike Rose’s essay he explains how he was an average person in his vocational classes. He says that his intelligence was not on a low level, but rather he thought of his intelligence to be low because of his teachers and the fact he was in vocational classes, but he soon realizes that pushing to the next level was the key to his success. In contrast, Richard Rodriguez explains in his essay about education throughout his life which included his teachers, family background and how it affected his upbringing and success. Mike Rose’s attitude about education and success and Richard Rodriguez attitude both have similarities but also have differences.…
Response 1(158): In this documentary they use the three rhetorical pathos, logos and ethos. They use these appeals to help explain the topic. They use pathos by following five students school life. Pathos is being used by showing how money and community problem can affect the student’s school career in so many ways. Also shows how the…
has a knack for being able to portray an erratic man who in one instant is…
Is Seeing Believing? Have you ever seen a magic trick? A magic tricks involves a distraction so the magician can do the trick. Sometimes magic tricks involve illusions, so seeing isn’t believing. I do not believe seeing is believing because not everything you perceive is true like ghosts and magic acts.…
Rather than studying one or two genuine passions, students are trained to attempt to learn them all even if they don’t care for the subject. Next, Mr. Gatto teaches the lesson of class position. Rather than attempting to move up or down to an easier or harder class, the student must learn that they are in that class for a reason and they must like that position. Gatto explains that, “[his] job is to make students like being locked together with children who bear numbers like their own”(1). He claims that he never lies to students outright, but has come to learn that truth and teaching are incompatible. The third lesson taught is indifference. Instead of caring about anything too much, Gatto emphasizes that “nothing important is ever finished in my class”(Gatto 2). Students are taught that nothing really matters. Students in his class must drop everything they are doing once the bell rings, no matter the importance. Pupils live life on the installment plan and must learn to turn on and off like switches. The fourth and fifth lessons taught are emotional and intellectual dependency. Instead of thinking and acting on their own, students are drilled to believe that what they think…
An important concept which is discussed in this movie is the motivation of learning. When Frank asks Rita what makes her decide to return to school, Rita answers that she wants to “discover” herself, and raise her confidence by talking to people with knowledge. Motivation, which is one of the learning principles, plays an important role in adult education. Nobody can force an…
Angel B. Pérez in the article, “Want to Get Into College? Learn to Fail” argues that perfection doesn't exist therefore students who apply for colleges should respond with the truth of who they are. Pérez supports his suggestion by describing what colleges actually expect in college application. In fact admission officers are digging deeper to find out who the students really are on the outside of school rather than the student with trophies, medals and good grades. The authors purpose is to persuade that perfection isn’t needed. On the other hand the truth is needed so that high school graduates applying for colleges don’t make an error that can shape their life forever. The author writes in formal tone for students who who look forward to attending the institute. Therefore high school graduates who want to obtain an education after secondary school should think twice before they respond. Admission officers…
I know I don’t have much to see on this paper today, but basically in my eyes this movie was not about education so much as it was about the individual students and how their lives were from day to day. There were five different types of students, all of which were unique in their own ways.…
But the real reason that this is a fine film lies in is its plea that in education lies the reasoning, the power, and the will to change history. That learning does not just lie in knowledge but also in applying that knowledge to better yourself, your world, and all of humanity.…
My thought on why we watched this film in class in class is because that it shows one’s ability to delay gratification in order to receive a greater reward. It applies to human adjustment because a person’s ability to be patient and patience is important to be able to cope with stress in life.…
In America we have a society that allows our students to not try their best in school. Students wake up knowing that they don’t have to try as hard because they will receive a passing grade. Daniel exposes how students are under prepare for college because they lack the knowledge being taught in high school. They do not pay close attention because again they expect or they feel that they are entitled to a good grade.…
School, in most cases, should be a place of learning, fun, and shaping students for the future ahead of them with as few distractions as possible. The importance of a good education for young, and even older people, is a major part of that person’s life now, and later. A good education, however, should not be difficult to obtain. It should not matter where you live, what your roots are, or what kind of person you are yourself. In “School,” “Best in Class,” and “Superman and Me,” the authors take on very different, and specific views on their ideas in each essay. Through Kyoko Moris’ use of personal experiences, Margaret Talbot’s use of pathos, and Sherman Alexie’s use of parallel structure and personal experience, all of these essays get their information out to the readers in a great way.…
Every major event in my life has shaped who I am, particularly, how I approach my academics. Helping my family has made me selfless. I strive to help others first, whenever possible. Balancing family and school work has made me a reliable person who always perseveres. Working with my parents has allowed me to value, appreciate and take advantage of every educational opportunity. Acquiring an education is critical to me because it gives value to all of my parents’ hard work. I have learned that everything should be done with compassion and no obstacle is…
Such students who may become bored in the classroom because they’ve already learned the material or have the lack of motivation to excel often need other incentives to try harder because of teens needs for independents and new experiences. When a student thinks they know it already they will shut down and not listen to anything new. Ricky Neil also believes giving total effort in school in not worth the stress because he has already got into college. Ricky Neil doesn’t think he needs to learn anymore stuff the school is trying to teach because he already got into college. Because students aren’t being taught anything new to challenge there self they think they know it…