Professor Schmidt
English 101
24 Oct. 2013
An Analysis of the Film Crash In April 21, 2005, a movie that mirrors what was going on in our society today in regards to racism and stereotyping was released. That interesting movie, to say the least, have moved, shocked and stricken the soul of its viewers by the amazing twists and turns of the story. The acclaimed movie has also received rave reviews from average viewers. Roger Ebert even called it the best movie of 2005 (Ebert, In Defense). That movie was Paul Haggis Oscar-winning Crash, which screenplay was written by Bobby Moresco and Haggis himself. Needless to say, Crash is about the collision of cars, it actually begins and ends with a car crash. But the notion of Crash …show more content…
It shows that people make assumptions on people they don’t know. It illustrates how people jump to conclusion based on race, class, appearance, name, etc. Pointing finger at everyone in regards to racism, Joshua Tyler states that there is no one without spot her (Tyler). Everyone is infected. Jean (character played by Sandra Bullock) showed that she is a racist when she held her husband’s arm and squeezed it tight as they walk by two black guys. In that scene, she is not overtly racist, but she is, subconsciously. Another example from the movie is Officer Tom Hansen who hated was his racist partner was doing. He even asked to be reassigned because he can’t stand him anymore. But at the end of the movie, we discovered that he is a racist as well. He killed a black guy because he assumed that he carries a gun. But before he killed the black guy, he looked at him starting from his shoes up to his ripped jacket as if calculating him, figuring out what kind of person he is. That is when he started to distrust him. Then the gunshot happened. These scenarios demonstrate that we are all racist at some point in our lives. No one is exempted. People are racist in one level or another, even those who think that they are tolerant, enlightened and fair-minded. Officer Ryan told his former partner, “You think you know who you are? You have no idea.” This line is actually intended for the audience, for