I was fascinated about how music plays a big role in a person life directly and indirectly. For example, a fetus could listen to sound produces outside of the womb and they could learn the music interval while they are still in the mother’s womb and they also react to the stimulus by for example, kicking . Somehow, this enhanced their cognitive processes which is very extraordinary. Moreover, a study by Kathleen Wermke shows that humans started their music development at a really early stage of life. Maybe this why music is plays a vital role in our life. …show more content…
It is amazing how someone with a physical disability to be good at something that they are impaired with . In this documentary, Evelyn Glennie is deaf, yet she is a professional percussionist. Since she was born with no hearing sense, she uses her other senses to recognize and react with music. This bring us to the question, “is it useful to use technology and scientific inquiry to, in essence, dissect music?” . For me, it is useful to use the modern technology to analyze music. Because by using our own senses, we could analyze music , music is just a wave sound produces by vibrations which we could sense by our ear, but by using the modern technology, we could analyze delicate stuffs like our brain and our body reaction towards