
The Mysterious House

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The Mysterious House
The cold wind stung my skin as I made my way back. As I passed by an abandoned house, I noticed a light in the house. Curious, I decided to investigate it. Leaves rustled as the wind rushed through them. Owls hooted in the pervading silence of the night. Dogs howled in a distance.

I went nearer to the house. A lonesome huge crow perched on the bare branch of the dead tree. The ghostly arms of the huge barren trees played against the house. Cloudy mists surrounded the spooky house as gusts of wind blew. A thick layer of dust settled on the rusty front gate guarding the house. Rats scurried in and out of the gate through the tiny openings, each of them had red bloodshot eyes that looked out for food. The lawn was overgrown with thorny weeds and long grass. As I pushed the old gate slowly, it squeaked in protest. I reached out to touch the dusty door knob. Before I could grab the handle, however, the door creaked open mysteriously. The old musty house belonged to the late Mr and Mrs Lim who had bore a child named Le Le Lim. They had mysteriously disappeared in 1984. Nobody knew where they had gone. As I took a step in, the door shut behind me. I jumped. A beam of moonlight shone on my eyes. Cobwebs, big and small, hung precariously from the old chandelier, behind the cabinet and under the corners of the table. The huge place was infested with armies of bugs and ants. I stared into the musty darkness and approached the stairs.

In the darkness, I saw a light flickering in a distance. It was coming from one of the rooms. I crept slowly up the stairs to the cold room. As I walked upwards on the creaking staircase, I heard wailing and bloodcurdling screams. I braced myself and told myself to be brave and to press on. In a flash, a few plates came flying towards me. I ducked all the plates and crawled to the top of the stairs in case anything else came flying towards me. My heart pounded wildly. I tiptoed

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