Erin M. Schwartz
ARTH 101
7 November 2014
The Myth of Isis and Osiris
One of the most famous families of gods is the children of Geb and Nut, who are Osiris, Isis, Seth , and Nephthys. People probably know of these gods more than others because of the famous myth of Isis and Osiris. Isis and Osiris is an Egyptian myth of creation. It is a very intriguing story about how they live and rule Egypt. Isis and Osiris are Gods and I will begin my essay on this family of gods.
The story begins with an Egyptian God named Geb, and Nut. Geb was the God of earth and Nut is the God of the sky. It was believed that every night Nut swallowed the sun. Then in the morning, Nut would give birth to it like a child. Then Geb and Nut had two daughters and two sons. Isis and Nephthys were their daughters, and Set and Osiris were their sons. When they grew up, Nephthys married Set and Isis married Osiris. Which I think it is weird but since they are Gods I think it is ok. Osiris was the oldest and became king of Egypt. Osiris was given the fruit, plants, seeds, and rich soil. He later became the god of the underworld, being the first to have lived after death. Osiris was often shown as a bull or looking somewhat like a mummy. Osiris has green skin, which I find it to be very interesting. Set was given the desert and sands, where nothing could grow. He caused the sandstorms and swirling sand in the desert. He liked the darkness at night and the salt in the sea. He could take the form of a crocodile, or a hippopotamus.
The two sister Nephthys and Isis were very close. They were so close they were like the same being. Nephthys liked the darkness and the dark moon, but Isis liked the light and the full and new moon. Isis could be a cow, star or tree. I find to be interesting and she controlled the rain, and moisture. Nephthys was the goddess of the underworld. She was also the mother of Anubis with Set or Osiris, depending on the version of the story. Isis was the mother of