With the growing cases of police brutality and having an openly racist president, blacks in America should be focused on improving these issues. The constant use of the “N-word” allows others to view us as just that, another nigga. Nigga could mean a friend one person but, be offensive to another. No matter how much we want to delete the word from our dialect, we simply can not because it is so deeply rooted in black culture in America. A person could hear this word by walking down a street in a predominantly black community, turning on any rap song or simply watching how families interact with each other. When you grow up around something, you are very likely to acquire similar traits. My mom, uncle, friends and associates say nigga so I am going to grow up thinking that is okay and just a common way to greet other black individuals.
The “N-word” has many negative affects on the way people view African Americans and how we view ourselves as individuals. The word is very toxic and many young adults do not realize the extensive weight that the word carries. Black people need to realize how the world affects us and takes steps toward deleting the word permanently. One way would be to educate kids at young ages about the black history and how the word “nigger” has often been used as an insult against people of African