government should be careful on its finances and really view the things they do behind the economic curtain when it comes to things like taxes, federal budget deficits and the national debt.
Some people believe that the Poor and the rich are the same thing when it comes to taxes as far as percentages go. I believe the government should . But the rich should get charged even more because of some of the lack of ability's to pay for the poor people.the poor is always more likely to be in debt like for example if someone needs a loan or they use more then they have on their credit cards then they would be in debt and some of the money they get charged from taxes could be useful as to some one more wealthy would get charged taxes and they wouldn't have any financial problems what so ever so it really just seems kind of unfair on the not so wealthy community
The national debt of the united states is unbelievable and most don’t realize the debt that the united states has got itself into and it depends on the people to get themselves out by charging taxes and paying money that they owe because they spend a lot more than what we can produce.
The national debt is also known as the federal debt is the total of all the budget deficits of the previous year subtracting the surpluses the government has paid off with. A deficit is how the government spends more than it collects in taxes in a single year and how the money the government borrows is added to the debt. A Surplus is how the government spends less than it collects in taxes in a single year ,the extra tax revenue will go toward paying down the debt. I believe that the national debt will never be paid off if the government keeps up whatever its doing because the limit on how much The United States should spend, goes up each year. The United States should lower taxes but at the same time come up with different ways on getting income to go towards paying the national